How alternating contacts and glasses boosts eye health

How alternating contacts and glasses boosts eye health

Alternating contacts and glasses is one of the best things you can do for your eyes. Prescriptions vary widely and it?s important to only wear lenses as directed. Switching off regularly gives your eyes a much needed rest.

It may be tempting to keep your contacts in all day every day. One problem is that overuse can not only weaken vision, but may actually irritate the eyes and possibly cause infection. Though designed to be worn for anywhere from 7 days to a month, even extended wear lenses pose a slight risk when worn continuously.

So why exactly is switching between contacts and eyewear good for you? There are a number of reasons: 

Avoid complications and discomfort

Technology for different types of lenses has dramatically improved over the years. Today, many extended wear lenses are made from silicone and they?re some of the safest ones ever available. But they still require proper care, cleaning and must be compatible for your eyes. 

Individual prescriptions for glasses and contacts almost always vary because needs, eye shape and fit is completely different. For instance, some people have glasses with a prism lens. Unfortunately contacts don?t offer this correction so they would be uncomfortable to wear on a daily basis.


Speaking of discomfort, eyewear gives your peeper room to breathe. Some lenses are more breathable than others, but a naked eye allows oxygen to reach the corneas directly. This means less dependency on moisturizing drops and better overall vision. Not only are is dryness uncomfortable, it also decreases vision and could lead to a scratched eye.

Better hygiene

Keeping a pair of glasses on hand makes it easier to practice good hygiene. You already know that lenses must be cleaned and stored correctly, as well as removed and inserted with clean hands. You know this and yet falling asleep in them or cutting corners happens when the snooze button gets hit too many times and there?s an early morning meeting. When you?re in a rush it?s better to wear glasses for the day than risk getting sick or even catching pinkeye. 

There?s a reason lenses come with specific instructions. Wearing them longer than directed or forgetting to wash your hands properly before handling them gives protein deposits and dirt an opportunity to accumulate. Irritation and infections are a hassle, but the real risk is in possibly harming your eyes permanently.

Better night vision

Many people prefer alternating contacts and glasses in order to maintain consistently clear vision. If you notice a decrease in night vision, switch to a basic pair of night-driving eyewear for a safer trip home.

Reduce irritation during allergy season

Allergy sufferers have enough to deal with when the seasons change. This is prime time to switch to eyewear as pollen and dander tends to cling to lenses. Keep irritation and other symptoms under control by splashing eyes with cool water regularly and cleaning glasses daily.

Contact lovers, don’t fret

Contacts are a wonderful option to have. They can cause less distortion, improve peripheral vision, there are no frame limitations and they enable you to perceive things in a more natural way. Many people understandably prefer the way they look sans eyewear. The key is to wear them in moderation. 

At first this may take some discipline. It?s normal for eyes to need some time to adjust right after a switch, especially if you?ve never worn contacts before. However, if alternating makes you dizzy or leaves vision blurred see your eye doctor as one prescription may be too strong. 

You only get one set of eyes, so take care of them! Alternating contacts and glasses makes this simple to do.  



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