pet product shoppingby Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

Animal lovers want the very best for their furry buddies.

As there are an astounding number of products out their to accommodate their needs and whims, it can be overwhelming to find the best ones. An easy way to do this is to look at what’s popular. When a huge number of fellow animal owners trust a specific item, you can too.

These best selling pet products cover both basic needs and smart new designs.

10. Flea & tick control

Flea & tick control

Keeping a dog or cat safe from pests is a significant part of minding your pet’s health. Flea and tick treatments help prevent them from developing potentially dangerous diseases. These are safe solutions designed to kill any pests, eggs and larvae on an animal. Read the instructions carefully to ensure it is applied where the animal cannot lick it off.

9. Bird cages

Bird cages

Having a bird means keeping her in a comfortable bird cage most of the time. Choosing one that suits her size and tendencies will ensure she has a happy life. Cages that make birds feel secure and offer multiple places where they can perch, eat and bathe are naturally the most popular models. The bigger the better when considering size and make sure the bars are spaced close enough together to prevent it from getting out.

8. Shampoo


Animals are a lot like children in that if you forget to bathe them, your nose will quickly remind you. In addition to keeping animals smelling good, shampooing helps treat allergies, skin infections and dandruff. Use safe, effective animal shampoos to maintain good hygiene and keep the whole family happy.

7. Beds


Loving an animal doesn’t mean you love them hogging the covers and sleeping on your head. These best selling pet products are more than wishful thinking. Some dogs actually use them.

6. Natural food supplements

 Natural food

Natural pet supplements are more popular than ever as more people realize how important good nutrition is to animals’ health. These products are made with natural, nourishing ingredients and don’t have the preservatives and artificial colors found in other types.

5. Apparel


This is another one that’s mostly for the pet owner. Small animals are more sensitive to cold weather, so dog jackets and booties serve a purpose in bad weather. However, the majority of animals dressed in adorable outfits probably wouldn’t choose to do so on their own accord, but the joy we humans get from the sight hopefully makes them feel a little less ridiculous.

4. Tags and collars

Tags and collars

Pet ID tags serve an incredibly important purpose. Should yours ever run off and not return, your odds of getting him back sky rocket if he is wearing a dog tag. Any cat or dog that goes outside should have one.

3. Toys


All sleep and no play makes puppies chubby. As cute as a little bulge may be, extra weight isn’t healthy for an animal. Colorful Frisbees, balls, squeakers and bells are all affordable toys that trick them into exercising.

2. Oral hygiene chews

Oral hygiene chews

Caring for dog teeth is necessary. Daily brushing is highly recommended to prevent gum disease that can lead to tooth loss, as well as infections that may cause kidney, liver and heart disease. But if you’ve ever taken a tooth brush to a dog’s mouth, you know it’s not easy! Oral hygiene chews are affordable, taste good to a dog and help fight that harmful bacteria you may miss when he’s dodging the bristles.

1. Powerful vacuum

Powerful vacuum

Best selling pet products aren’t only for the animals. In fact, your furry friend probably cowers when you turn this must-have on. However, a powerful vacuum is essential to suck up the hair and dander most animals continuously donate to your home.

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