Know where are the best surf spots and know what to wear as well

Know where are the best surf spots and know what to wear as well

The big day approaches. It is family vacation time. Sun, swimming and surfing are a part of the grand plan for summer fun at a site nominated by experts or friends as rating among America?s best surf spots. Weeks in advance, the posting of a blank sheet of paper on the refrigerator door marked the launch of this summer ritual. Now, the roomy whiteness of the paper is diminished, replaced with pen scrawls and pencil scribbles?hold the mail and call the kennel. Buy ice for the cooler. Ask neighbor to water the roses. Around the ragged edges are missions completed: sun screen, check; bug spray, check. This and that and more, check-check-check.

Surfing at any of America?s best surf spots presents some packing challenges. Surfer dudes clothing is top on the list: you have to look the part to play the part! One can be sure that somebody?you know who?will forget to buy batteries. But it?s a sure bet that mom?s camera?ready to surrender its last bit of juice?is safely tucked away into the cool new woman?s backpack purchased for the journey to the chosen land of best surf spots. Put that on the list?don?t forget to put the backpack in the car. You know?the backpack with the camera in it?

Pack what will be used

There?s a lot to take on a surfing vacation but not always a lot of room. The surfboards perch atop the car. Board bags and leashes and traction pads ride inside the vehicle. Masks and fins and snorkels cluster in the trunk. A collapsible grill balances on its side there, while a jumble of colorful flip-flops huddles in a waterproof tote bag. The members of this fun-seeking family will be eyeballing the horizon as they near their choice of the best surf spots.

No worries about sun glare. They learned long ago that one of the most important accessories never to be forgotten back at home is their collection of polarized sunglasses or other kinds of stylish sunglasses offering protection from evil rays. Are we there yet? It?s a question that can be ignored up to seven times, if dark glasses are worn and the driver pretends not to hear the inquiries from the back seat as everyone proceeds toward their destination?one of the best surf spots ever to be enjoyed.

What makes the best surf spots?

Many factors contribute to the appellation, ?best surf spots?. The factors often are physical. There are wonderful similarities between the best beaches in America and the best surf spots. The distance from the beach entrance to the water is a physical factor in naming one?s best surf spots. Not much fun to head for what some expert swears is one of America?s best surf spots, only to find that a visit entails a half-mile trek over burning sand and shards of broken clam shells.

The steepness of the beach as it melts into the water also is a physical obstacle for anyone even momentarily unsure on their feet. Tumultuous waves at high tide on a steep beach can upset even a strong surfer trying to make progress into the water. Most beaches nominated as best surf spots?and most of the best swimming beaches?offer a gentle incline. Those mentioned here as best surf spots have many assets.

Acclaimed surf beaches

? Huntington Beach on the Pacific Coast Highway in California is well liked among the best surf spots, for the beach is more than eight miles long and one portion of it straddles a municipal pier known for entertainment, great beach food and stunning vistas of the ocean.

? Cocoa Beach in Florida is a perennial surfing attraction for thousands of aficionados each year who give it thumbs up as a contender for best surf spots. It has a steady inflow of strong yet regularly spaced waves that offer a challenge to persons of any skill level.

? North Shore in the Oahu region of Hawaii is world renowned as a premier member among America?s best surf spots. Beginners can learn surfing on the relatively gentle waves off Oahu while experts will challenge the North Shore beaches, depending upon the weather?and sometimes in spite of it.

? Folly Beach in South Carolina has a firm grip as one of the best surf spots in America. It is the site of various surfing contests that draw thousands each year and also is well known for strictly maintaining a number of swimmers-only areas that offer peace of mind to everyone?surfers and swimmers.

Surf safe, swim safe and enjoy the delights of a summer vacation whose memories of your family?s best surf spots will last long into winter. Is everybody ready? Cooler, check. Sun screen, check. Now, who?s got the car keys?



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