Fun english learning activities for children of all ages

Fun english learning activities for children of all ages

During my years in school, I excelled in English and Literature, but struggled in math and science. I swore that I was the only person in the world who actually looked forward to reading The Odyssey, Hamlet and other classics. 

I remember being the first to get to my English class and settling down in my seat as I pulled out my text book, waiting for the journey to begin. My classmates drudged into the room, many of them clutching cliff notes and wearing solemn faces. They were number people… the ones who couldn’t quite grasp the English subject, but were math and science geniuses. 

Although it’s hard for a word-nerd like me to imagine English being a tough subject, many teachers are faced with the seemingly impossible task of teaching it to a group of unwilling students every year. If you’re one of these educators, children learning activities can help you shed new light on tough subjects for your entire classroom.
Whether you’re trying to interpret the words of William Shakespeare to a group of high schoolers or teaching a group of kindergarten kids how to read, you can find several tools that will make the learning process as pain free as possible. If you’re a tutor, instructor or even a parent, certain children learning activities will allow you to entertain while educating. The following tips can help you spice up your classroom without sacrificing your lesson plan:

1. Sing a song. 

For younger children who are just learning the fundamentals of the English language and other core subjects, a catchy, creative tune will stand out in their minds while they’re taking tests and completing assignments.

2. Visualize it! 

When teaching large groups, it’s important to remember that every child learns differently. Using interactive tools such as computer programs and flash cards can help visual learners remember important vocabulary words and other subject guidelines.

3. Trading places. 

Try breaking your classroom up into “mini classes” and allow each child to take turns being teacher to their mini class. You can instruct them to teach lessons and give oral spelling tests to each other.

4. Story time. 

By simply asking your students to write a 3 paragraph story about a topic of their choice, you can allow their imagination to run wild while evaluating their grammar and spelling skills.



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