Here are some ideas for a delicious Christmas breakfast

Here are some ideas for a delicious Christmas breakfast

It?s almost that time of year again. You know, that time when the ornaments come out of the back of the closet and you either buy that real tree or take out the fake one, dust it off and get it set up for another year of fun and colorful memories. Part of the holiday is always dedicated to food and usually too much of it, but Christmas morning is a special time and christmas breakfast ideas should be just a little more special than other mornings and other breakfasts. Prepare now; don?t wait for the last minute or it will surely show.


What are some different christmas breakfast ideas?

1- Holiday breads

Bread recipes are often passed down from generation to generation with all the pride of family silver, and traditions and sentiments are attached to them. Holiday breads are wonderful christmas breakfast ideas because they complement almost any dish you might choose to serve with them.

There are many traditional ?Yuletide? breads. Some of them include: sweet breads such as Italian panettone, banana and pumpkin breads. If you make them well in advance and wrap them well, yeast breads can be frozen for up to 8 weeks and taste as if they were made an hour before serving. Make, bake and freeze some pumpkin butter to smear on some of these delectable holiday breads.

2- Mincemeat pies

Although pies are usually reserved for desserts and not considered breakfast fare, mincemeat pies are wonderful christmas breakfast ideas because of their association with the Yuletide since medieval times. Originally developed some 500 years ago in England as a way of preserving mutton without salting or smoking, even today mince pies are always linked to holiday dinners much in the same manner as the traditional plum pudding is on the other side of the Atlantic where most of us live.

3- Breakfast casseroles

Some of the best christmas breakfast ideas include casseroles of different types to help fortify all for that trip ?over the river and through the woods.? Casseroles are perfect holiday dishes for a number of reasons. First of all, they are easy to assemble and secondly, they can be made far in advance of the holiday festivities, allowing the cook some time to celebrate the holiday with those nearest and dearest.

Consider sausage casseroles or those containing sweet potato and sausage. (Come on; live a little. It?s a holiday.) Pick easy ones that don?t require much preparation and may feature cheddar cheese, fresh bread and eggs.

4- Other holiday ?breakfast? pies

Most baked whole pies can be frozen for up to six months. That is the one feature that makes them wonderfully decadent and convenient christmas breakfast ideas. There are some exceptions however, as pumpkin pie while it can be frozen, should always be used within six weeks, and cream and custard pies should not be frozen at all.

If you are thinking of making pies ahead for the purpose of freezing them, brush the bottom crust with melted shortening before filling. When the pies are completely cooled, seal them well with foil or plastic wrap. When you are ready to defrost for your holiday breakfast, pop the frozen pie into a preheated 375-degree oven for about 45 minutes.

Whichever route you decide to take and whatever breakfast you decide will be the most rewarding for your family, remember that christmas breakfast ideas are everywhere and you have barely to look beyond the boundaries of your own kitchen to find them! Happy indulgent Christmas breakfast to all and to all a good ?whatever!



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