cold weather datesContributed by Info Guru Terri Wallace

When the weather turns frigid, it can be difficult to come up with ideas for how to spend those long, cold afternoons.

Here are some cold weather date ideas that will keep your relationship blazing through the winter months.

10. Ice Skating

Ice Skating

Take advantage of the crisp, cold air and head to the ice skating rink or a well frozen pond. Create some Norman Rockwell memories as you twirl and spin, and brush the ice particles of your backside when you take a tumble. Even if your ice skating skills are not superb, this quaint date will earn you some serious points for your smoothness!

9. Movie Marathon

Movie Marathon

When the sub-zero temperatures and stinging sleet drive you indoors, you don’t have to cancel your romantic evening. Instead, stock up on the popcorn, the soda, the Junior Mints, and several movies. Whether you watch Ron, Harry, and Hermione defeat He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, or tag along while sparkly vampires and furry werewolves compete for the affections of a clumsy human, a comfortable night in is sure to be snuggle worthy.

8. Cooking


If icy roads detour your plans for a fancy dinner out, consider cooking at home instead. Show off your culinary skills and impress your date with meals worthy of Gordon Ramsey (but with fewer four letter words). But, perhaps most importantly, make sure to clean up the pots and pans after crafting your kitchen creation.

7. Hot Cocoa

Hot Cocoa

Instead of suggesting going out for those oh-so-ambiguous “drinks,” impress her with your individuality by inviting her out for hot cocoa. Hot cocoa is warm, comforting, and memorable. Done right, it can even be decadent. Hot cocoa shows her that you are reliable, soothing, and dependable…and memories of your time together will linger in her mind like the last bit of whipped cream drowning in creamy, chocolately goodness.

6. Hiking


If the weather outside is not too frightful, hit the hiking trails and take advantage of the sunny winter days to get some alone time—and some much needed vitamin D. It is easy to get in the habit of staying indoors all winter long, but humans were not made to hibernate.

5. Book Store

Book Store

Books are warm, cozy and comfortable…and yet adventuresome. Anyone can take a date to dinner and a movie, but only someone who knows her love of literature would be wise enough to take her to a bookstore. In a bookstore, surrounded by comfortable chairs and possibilities, is the perfect place to begin your romance.

4. Sledding


Bundle up in your warmest woolens and head for the hills for an afternoon of sledding. The crisp air, the fresh-fallen snow, and the uninhibited laughter will take her breath away and bring out her playful side. Show her how fun you are…and she will see how much fun she has when she is with you.

3. Sleigh Ride

Sleigh Ride

For an evening of Norman Rockwell-worthy romance, take your date for a sleigh ride. The hush of the snow falling from the night-blackened skies, the tinkle of the bell on the horses’ harness, and the quiet clumping of horses’ hooves in the snow may well be her one true, perfect date. Raise the bar for single men everywhere and expect to achieve legendary date status.

2. Build a Snowman

Build a Snowman

For a playful past-time without a lot of effort, grab your parka and take outside for an impromptu snowman party. Bring a carrot nose, some coal (or buttons, or walnuts) for eyes, and an old scarf to spruce up Frosty’s fashionable ensemble. You’ll likely earn bonus points if you sing the “Frosty the Snowman” song while crafting your masterpiece.

1. Take in the Arts

Take in the Arts

Whether she prefers paintings, sculptures, or ancient antiquities, take an interest in what interests her. Spend an afternoon taking in the arts and, while you’re at it, make sure to take time to listen to what makes it appeal to her. Taking an interest in someone, and really listening to them, is one of the best date strategies available.

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