Color your room with accessories for a pop of color that makes the difference

Color your room with accessories for a pop of color that makes the difference

For a lot of homeowners, color can be the scariest part of home decorating. Lots of people are afraid to take a chance on that bold paint hue or that dramatic fabric for the couch or drapes. And they stick with white, beige, or (if they’re really feeling daring!), grey.  And then there are renters, who are trapped in boring boxes devoid of color, from the white walls to the beige carpet.

Wake up, people!  You can have your color and your safety, too! You can even add color, and not get into trouble with your landlord!  All it takes is learning how to brighten and color your room with the little details.

Look down, look up

Even if you have the beigest of beige carpet, you can make your floors look dramatic. All it takes is a colorful area rug. It doesn’t have to be big, and it doesn’t have to be expensive to make a huge difference in the feel of a room.

Try using area rugs to separate the eating area from the TV and video viewing area in a small apartment. Or brighten a dull bedroom or dorm room floor with a deep jewel-tone swatch of color next to the bed. Even a way-too-white kitchen will look more inviting with the addition of a simple throw rug in front of the sink.


Okay, that takes care of the look down. So what about the look up? That’s just as simple.

How about replacing boring white shades on that ceiling fixture with sparkling crystal ones in a soft pink? Or switching out plain Jane paddles on the ceiling fan with a set of dramatic black ones — or colorfully painted ones for an instant smile in kids’ rooms?

It’s a no-risk way to add color. Just save the old ones, along with any hardware, until you’re sure you love the new look. And renters can put back the old boring look before moving out.

Tan sofa? Tan chairs?  We can fix that!

For many people, choosing a bold pattern for upholstered furniture can be too much of a risk. Fortunately, it’s easy to break up those vast seas of boring with colorful throw pillows and soft and warm throws, Go wild with your color selection…the point of these accessories is to add pops of color and print, not to layer with something safe and matchy-matchy.

If you’re feeling really daring, introduced some vintage home decor elements. Try using a patchwork quilt as a throw, hand-painted silk material to cover pillows, or some quirky animal-shaped pillows which double as conversation starters.

On the table

I know, I know. White dishes go with everything.  But what exactly are you putting them with, besides the food?  If your dishes are dull, your dining area is a great choice for a color your room makeover.

Forget painting that antique table like they do on TV makeover shows. And there’s probably no need to reupholster all your chairs, either. Instead of those expensive and scary changes, stick to simple and easy.

How about picking up some colorful place mats and coordinating linen napkins to add instant color?  And don’t forget to splurge for some unique napkin rings.

Bring colorful serving dishes to the table for a simple boost, then add a crystal bowl filled with fresh ripe veggies and fruits in nature’s own eye-popping palate.

It’s a bookshelf and it’s all yours!

A show of hands. How many of you think that bookshelves are just for books?  Okay. Now the rest of you. How many haven’t significantly changed the items on your bookshelf in a year?  Five years? Ten? More?

People, people, people! A bookshelf is a blank canvas just waiting to be decorated! And redecorated again and again. It’s also the perfect place for to add accessories and collectibles that can bring color and interest to your room.

When it comes to accessorizing your bookshelves, the sky’s the limit. Ease into this decorating thing with classics like vases, ginger jars, art glass bowls and bookends. Or if you’re feeling more daring, opt for drama with African sculptures, antique lanterns, or eye-catching geodes.

If money is tight, consider wrapping ugly or well-thumbed books themselves in colorful paper or fabric, then using them to bring color to the shelves.

And now it’s your turn!

Now that you’ve learned about some simple ways to bring color to your rooms without changing everything, it’s time for you to try it. Order those gorgeous pillows in four or five colors. Or set the table with an eye to drama.

Start small, and see how little bits of color make your rooms come alive. And who knows…you might be ready for that bright can of paint sooner than you think!

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