crazy party ideasby Info Guru Terri Wallace

When the dinner parties and BBQs start to seem a little…well, boring…it is time to shake things up with some crazy party themes to help you get your groove back.

Whether you like food, costumes, fuzzy animals, or playing dress-up, this list has something for everyone.

10. Swap Shop party

 Swap Shop party

To host a Swap Shop party, invite your guests to come for hors d’oeuvres and to bring several items to swap. Set up a Swap Shop table for guests to display their items. Allow guests time to peruse the items while they sample the hors d’oeuvres. At the allotted time, the guests make a mad dash to scoop up one item for each “swap” they brought. Any items that are not chosen can be donated to a local charity.

9. Bacchus party

Bacchus party

Don’t just host a wine tasting, have a Bacchus party! Invite guests to dress in togas, bring a bottle of wine, and partake of the festivities. Serve a variety of grapes en masse, along with wine, cheese, and crusty bread. Eat and drink simply, but well. The party is not about excess, though, but about appreciating uncomplicated elegance. In lieu of party favors, be a responsible host and take care of any cab fare for any over-indulgent guests.

8. Rescue Pet party

Rescue Pet party

Many rescue agencies are more than willing to bring several pets that are available for adoption to prospective owners. Gather together friends who are open to a new addition to their family and provide refreshments as they mingle with your feline, or canine, guests. For party favors, provide gift bags with pet treats, toys, or gift certificates to your local pet store.

7. Sexy Librarian party

Sexy Librarian party

Encourage your guests to tuck their hair up in a bun and put on their glasses for your Sexy Librarian party. Pick out an assortment of inexpensive books (you might even have your guests RSVP with a list of their top three favorite books). Create reading stations around the perimeter of the party, sorted by genre where guests can mingle. For party favors, provide book marks and copies of book. Any books that remain can be donated to a local charity.

6. Retro Game Night party

Retro Game Night party

Pack away the electronic games and dig out the oldies but goodies. Challenge your guests to sink your Battleship, or out-doctor you in Operation. Instead of Pictionary, you might try an Etch-a-Sketch competition! Consider giving the smaller, “travel” size of some of the games as party favors.

5. Part II party

Part II party

On a rainy night, consider an impromptu get together of a few close friends, some pizza, and your choice of a movie and its sequel(s). Pop popcorn, stock up on the Twizzlers and Junior Mints, and dim the lights…it is movie time! For party favors, you can present each guest with their own Academy Award. Who knows, the awards’ ceremony might be more fun than the sequel!

4. Myth and Legends party

Myth and Legends party

It is time to brush up on all those myths you learned in school. Whether you prefer Greek or Roman, Celtic or Germanic, encourage your guests to find a god or goddess that best represents them…or who they wish they could be! Make sure to take lots of photos…this may well be the only time you find Persephone sitting next to a mermaid talking to a fairy who just broke up with the Loch Ness monster.

3. Willa Wonka Wonderland party

Willa Wonka Wonderland party

For the revelers with a sweet tooth, plan on a candy-filled Willa Wonka Wonderland party. Provide guests with an assortment of candy. Many on-line stores offer retro candy selections that you might not have seen since you were a child. Expect for guests to get a sugar-buzz early on, and consider a gift bag that includes a travel toothbrush and toothpaste set.

2. Cosplay Party

Cosplay Party

Being a geek has never been hotter. Take a cue from Comic-Con cosplay and encourage your guests to dress up as their favorite book character, movie character, comic character, or other beloved icon. Offer plenty of video gaming options for your guests. Comics or graphic novels would be a welcome parting gift.

1. Take a Banana to a Party…party

Take a Banana to a Party

“Always take a banana to a party,” said the Doctor. You should listen to his wise words. Consider a banana themed party (a stylish “neck-tie-worn-as-head-attire” is entirely optional) that boasts banana flambé, banana bread, banana daiquiris…there are even an entrees with bananas (who knew?!).

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