Craft ideas for Easter that are easy to make

Craft ideas for Easter that are easy to make

There are plenty of Easter craft ideas.  Some crafts are easy and some require a bit more effort and time.  Giving a homemade gift is the best because it comes from the heart.  The person receiving your gift will appreciate the time you took to make it.  This is the perfect kind of Easter gift.

Kids love Easter just as much as they do Christmas.  Plan a weekend of Easter crafts for the entire family.  It’s a great way to spend time with your kids.

Easter Bunny Bag


Paper lunch bag or small colored gift bag 

Craft foam sheets in various colors  
Craft eyes  
Safety scissors  
Pencil or pen
Craft foam sheets in various colors  
Craft eyes  
Safety scissors  
Pencil or pen  


  1. Begin with a piece of foam, slightly larger than your bag on the sides, but about the same height.
  2. Fold the foam in half and draw two half circles, just like you would draw the round parts of a letter B. Be careful not to go completely to the fold for the middle line.
  3. Cut along the drawn lines (when you unfold the foam, you’ll have two connecting circles).
  4. Cut and attach foam ears on the top circle.
  5. Decorate the bottom circle with foam pieces and craft eyes to make a happy rabbit face.
  6. Draw a small circle about one to two inches in diameter between the ears and cut out just the circle.
  7. Glue the bunny head to bag, leaving the ears above the opening of the bag. Now your bag can hang from a doorknob.


Bunny Ears for Kids

White poster board  
Pink construction paper  
Tacky glue or school glue  
Tape or stapler  
Easter stickers, optional  
Markers, crayons, or colored pencils; optional  


  1. Cut a strip of poster board about 2″ wide by about 24″ long.
  2. Cut out 2 ears out of poster board each about 8 1/2″ long x 3 1/2″ wide.
  3. Cut out 2 smaller ears out of pink construction paper.

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