How to get started with a Facebook for business account

How to get started with a Facebook for business account

When most people think of Facebook they think of a site that allows you to keep contact with your friends and family members.  The site allows people to talk to people they haven’t talked to in quite a while and see pictures and stories that keep them up to speed with their friends and family’s comings and goings. 

Because of the sheer number of people who now use Facebook, the social media site is being seen as something that businesses can take advantage of as well.  The site is, in fact, cultivating that perception with a way for entrepreneurs and for major corporations to set up their own kind of Facebook page. 

But social networking newbies may wonder just how to get started with Facebook for business and we’re here to walk you through it.

Setting up a Facebook for business page differs from a regular personal profile in several different ways.  You need to be careful that you make sure and set up a business page, as businesses that use personal profile pages will be deleted. 

To create a business page, first you must have a personal profile, linked to your email address. Log into your Facebook profile. On the left side of your “Home” page (or newsfeed), click on “Pages and Ads.” This will open a list of all the pages you like. At the top, on the right, click on the box that says “Create a Page.” This will start a business page that is linked to your personal profile page.

The first step is to determine what category you are going to use.  Among the categories are “Local Business”, “Artist or Band” and “Brand or Product.”  There are also community organizations or government entities categories. 

Once you have selected the category you want your business to go under, the site will walk you through a number of different steps including inserting a photo, and entering information in the “about” section.  You can do this right away, or save what you are working on, skip them and come back to them later.

After the initial steps you will be taken to your page where you can begin to design and setup your company’s page how you would like.  You can also begin to get the word out about your company quickly and easily.


Linking “Places” with your page

Facebook for business has all kinds of built in advantages thanks to starting off as a social site. Facebook places allows people to check in when they are at a sporting event, or their favorite restaurant or store.  Assuming you have a physical location for your business, one of the first things you should do is make sure the places function is pointing back to your company’s page.

Work on Facebook notoriety both offline and on

While you want people to be “liking” your page online, you also want people who might not otherwise be looking for your site to know you are online at all.  If you have a physical site where people can come and go like a restaurant or store, make sure you put up flyers announcing your Facebook site. 

Word of mouth can be the silver bullet when it comes to getting started and you’ll have a better shot if people online and off are talking about your social media presence.

Stay active and promote often

The only way you are going to have any success at all is if you stay active and engaged on your page.  Working your tail off in order to get people to “like” and follow your page is just the early part of the job.  Once you get followers you have to keep them by showing you are as, or more invested in them being your fan than they are in showing you support.  

Advertising sales on Facebook is certainly one way to gain followers quickly and running specials that are only available to those who find them online is another way to grow your social networking cache.  Getting into discussions with customers on the site, and showing them that you are taking whatever complaints or suggestions they make on your page will also gain you a load of goodwill and positive word of mouth.


If you are having problems getting notoriety, Facebook for business has the built in option of either purchasing ad space on the side column of the Facebook site.  This will reach out to anyone who uses the site and can lure people in.  You can also purchase “Sponsored Stories.”

While both of these options can come through in some regards, the bottom line is that even Facebook acknowledges that getting good word of mouth works far more effectively when you are trying to get your business off the ground.



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