Prevent Indoor Allergies With These Three, Key Travel Tips

Prevent Indoor Allergies With These Three, Key Travel Tips

Anyone who suffers from chronic allergies or asthma understands that traveling can often exacerbate these health conditions. Those who suffer from allergies have learned that carefully controlling home environments in order to reduce allergens, along with following a doctor’s advice regarding medication and preventative treatment are the two best methods for managing allergies, reducing symptoms and maintaining a comfortable, healthy lifestyle.  

Those who suffer from chronic allergies and asthma typically take the time, effort, energy, and make the financial investment to transform their homes into allergy-free zones, free of dust mites, mold, pollen, pet dander, etc. This is why the prospect of travel; car-travel, air-travel, hotel stays, or even visiting relatives can induce feelings of apprehension and anxiety for allergy sufferers.

Fortunately, recent advancements in technology have led to many new allergy relief products that can help allergy-sufferers to fight indoor allergies while traveling. If you or someone you love suffers from chronic allergies, asthma or other breathing disorders, it will be worth your time to read the tips and recommendations outlined below to help reduce allergies indoors while traveling.

Suffer from Allergies or Asthma?  Three Key Tips to Fight Indoor Allergies While Traveling:

1)   Hypoallergenic Bedding: Mattress/Pillow Encasings:

Planning a trip that will involve spending nights in a hotel or staying in a guest room of a relative’s home? Hypoallergenic bedding is one of the very best defenses against dust mites, mold, and even germs to help fight indoor allergies. Investing in lightweight pillow encasing and mattress encasing, which can easily be folded up to fit in a suitcase, will help you to sleep, and breathe easier, so you will wake up feeling refreshed, free from the allergy symptoms of congestion, headache or runny nose.


2)   Sinus Care:

The effects of dehumidifiers, neti pots, vaporizers and nasal irrigation systems can not be under estimated. Today, small, compact and travel-friendly sinus care products are widely available. Inquire about these products at local health stores and pharmacies, or search online. Whatever it takes, do your research to find portable, lightweight products that will compliment your lifestyle and fit in to both your luggage and travel routine. These small products will be easy to pack and will be a great help to reduce and fight indoor allergies on the road.

3)   Indoor Air Quality:

Air filters, purifiers and smoke eliminators are one of the best ways to reduce the effect of toxins and pollutants present in indoor air. Portable air purifiers are highly recommended for chronic allergy sufferers, and also for anyone traveling with infants. Babies, who by necessity, may spend lengthy amounts of time indoors, are particularly sensitive to airborne pollutants and impurities.  The American Lung Association, the EPA and the FDA all endorse air filtration, and emphasize that a clean and well ventilated living space is key to combating allergies as well as other health issues.  

Many travelers are not aware that air quality can be a particular concern in hotel rooms, as well as transportation vehicles such as airplanes and cars. Small, portable filtration systems, that can be plugged into outlets or even car cigarette lighters (DC adapters) are an ideal solution in allergy control products. They can be used for cleaning smoke, smog, mold, bacteria, dust, and pet dander from the interiors of cars or other vehicles.  

Many portable filtration systems now come with both an AC and DC adapter, and can be used in vehicles as well as in common outlets in hotel rooms or other lodging accommodations. Anyone shopping for, or researching air filtration systems should look for products that can recirculate 8 to 10 room volumes per hour. 

AAAAI: Patients and Consumers Center on Indoor Allergies
AAFA: Fight indoor allergies



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