Finding a Job After College:  Hints, Tips and Tools for First Time Job Seekers

Finding a Job After College: Hints, Tips and Tools for First Time Job Seekers

Finding a job after college graduation is a reality that all college students eventually face. Until graduation day, most students have fallen into the routine of school, homework, research, term papers, and exams. Arriving at the culmination of a college career, and entering the real world can be both exciting and intimidating. 

Although some students are lucky enough to find employment immediately after graduation, a vast majority of college graduates agree that those first few years after graduation can be the most challenging period of adult hood. The current economic climate has not made the situation any easier for students concerned about finding a job after college. 

While the journey from commencement toward a career path is unique to every individual, there are certain helpful hints, tips and tools that can make the process of finding a job after college more productive and rewarding.


Finding a Job After College:  Hints, Tips and Tools for First Time Job Seekers

1.    Most college graduates actually know themselves better than they realize.  Even if you are uncertain about a future career path, it is likely you have an innate awareness of your personal skills, passions, strengths and weaknesses. Begin by making a list of jobs and career fields that you find appealing or interesting.

2.    Visit your academic advisor or consult a career counselor. Sometimes, talking with someone, or simply brainstorming ideas about potential career fields can prove helpful. A career counselor may recommend personality assessment tests such as the SWOT analysis or Meyers Briggs test.

3.    One of the most highly recommended resources for first time job seekers is a book titled What Color Is Your Parachute. Described as the ?job-seekers bible? and ?the best-selling job-hunting book in the world?, this book has been credited with changing people?s lives. What Color Is Your Parachute contains a series of written exercises that can provide deeper insight into individual skills, and can help to guide readers toward an ideal career choice.

4.    Take the time to examine what jobs might best fit your skills and interests before you settle for the first job you come across. Attend career fairs, pursue internships that interest you, and speak with alumni, friends, family, or other contacts working in careers or fields that you are curious about.

5.    Develop your resume. Make sure your resume is current and updated with your college activities, volunteer work, internships, awards and accomplishments. Some job seekers find it helpful to prepare several different versions of a resume that can accommodate the various positions or career fields you may be applying for.  

6.    Utilizing the internet can help tremendously when it comes to finding a job after college.  Some of the most highly rated job search engines include:,,,,, and The Job search engines are a repository for hundreds of thousands of job openings around the globe.

7.    Network, network, network. Get in touch with old friends, keep in touch with college friends to learn about their job search adventures, maintain relationships with professors, coaches, advisers, and former employers. Join networking organizations that match your personal or career interests.  You never know where your first job opportunity after graduating from college is going to come from.



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