Use this stress-free plan to create an elegant and functional corporate suite.

Use this stress-free plan to create an elegant and functional corporate suite.

There is a dizzying array of choices when it comes to furnishing a luxurious corporate suite. Before you get lost in a list that reads like a decorator’s inventory ? table lamps leather sofas fine furniture widescreen television entertainment centers ? stop and consider a few specifics about the space you’re furnishing.

Who will be using the space

Is this a space in which clients will be entertained? Or is it for the top brass within the company and perhaps their personal guests? Will rank and file members of the corporation have access to the space at all? The audience will, in large part, determine the look and feel of the space. Be sure to understand the who before you try and figure out the what.

How often will the space be used

When you’re furnishing a corporate suite, try to get a good idea about how often it will be used. A suite that will be in use daily will require much sturdier office furniture than one that will only be occupied once or twice a month.
What will the room be used for

Creating a beautiful room with an elegant table and a dozen comfortable chairs would be of little use if the room is to be used for casual relaxation, watching sporting events or hosting small face-to-face meetings. Ask questions about planned use. Will it be a multifunctional space or is there one primary use expected? Lounge chairs are ideal for an executive breakroom. If a big screen television is part of the plan, be sure the seating allows for comfortable and unobstructed viewing. If meals are to be served, allow for adequate table space to avoid crowding, or even worse, the need to balance plates on knees or set glasses on the floor.

Make a plan and start shopping

Once you have a clear idea about the intended audience and the expected use, it’s time to make a plan. Start with good measurements, and solid budget figures. Make sure the furnishings you select are a good match to the elements above, and to the corporate image. Timeless pieces like fine woods and leather upholstery will stand the test of time better than trendier designs, so make your choices with the long-term in mind. Shop online for quality furniture for less, and stretch your budget to include the best pieces you can afford.

Creating an elegant corporate suite can be a challenge. But if you take it step by step, instead of running to the furniture showroom with a panicked “I need tables chairs corporate-looking fine furniture widescreen television entertainment centers leather sofas brass lamps?,” you’ll effortlessly create a room with a professional look everyone will appreciate.



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