baby firstsby Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

Congratulations! The little one is finally here and (hopefully) sound asleep.

You have much to look forward to and don’t want to miss a thing, naturally. From scrapbooking his first hiccups to recording every playground visit, there are countless ways to ensure the big moments are captured and celebrated.

Be patient. This top ten of baby’s first everythings will have you reaching for the camera before she’s finished taking her one of many, many, many naps.

10. Family holidays

Family holidays

Nothing brings extended family closer together than a sweet-faced bundle of love. Whether you’re celebrating Christmas and Easter, Hanukah, Halloween or Thanksgiving, the year of baby’s first holidays is a time to create new traditions and carry on the most meaningful ones you grew up with.

9. This doesn’t taste like milk

 This doesn’t taste like milk

According to WebMD, babies are ready for their first solid food between 4 and 6 months old. It’s time to share the wonders of pureed peas, sweet potatoes and wholesome fruits.

8. “I’m home!”

“I’m home!”

Unless your child is a prodigy beyond all others who have come before, he likely won’t acknowledge his first home coming. He may sleep right through it. That doesn’t mean it’s not significant. Home is where sweet dreams will ensue in bassinets and gentle swings. Home is where childhood begins so set the tone for a warm, nurturing life together.

7. Shows some sass

Shows some sass

This is one of the baby’s first everythings that’ll make you laugh and hope the teenage years don’t come too soon. One day, your child will hear you tell her not do something – play too close to the stairs – and she’ll do it anyway, possibly with crazy hair and a huge grin. Its official, you’re not the only one with rebellious charm.

6. Happy birthday

Happy birthday

A baby’s birthday often goes down in family history because a number of firsts occur on this day – bathing in cake, opening special gifts, showing off her birthday suit to the masses (it happens) and making a wish before blowing out the candle (with help). She may not remember this day for the rest of her life, but the parents will. You made it through the adorably chaotic year of diapers, worries and sleep deprivation. Now eat cake.

5. Tooth time

Tooth time

When her first set of baby teeth begin to come in, you’ll know. Unfortunately, this is a first that’s not exactly fun for parents or their little ones. Nor is the first tooth something that happens over night. It can take months, in fact. But once that pearly chomper comes through, usually one of the bottom middle ones, your new born is on her way to flashing toothy grins all over town – perfect for the baby scrapbook.

4. There he goes

There he goes

It may come when you least expect it. One minute you’re chatting with your spouse about the news of the day, and the next junior is rising to his feet to see what he can do. Give your brave boy a cheer and a snazzy new outfit as this day is going down in the baby book. Of the endless baby’s first everythings, the step is a tearjerker bound to stir up mixed emotions.

3. He speaks!

He speaks!

Babies are wildly expressive and smart. They learn quickly how to communicate to get what they need, to inform you they have a dirty diaper or empty tummy without uttering a single coherent word. You know it’s coming any day now…but that first word strikes like a bolt of lightning. You never forget it.

2. Smile


The first two months are full of tears, bottles, diapers and sleep. Then the clouds part as he looks at your goofy grin and actually smiles back. Fleeting as it may be, there’s no doubting the moment you see that smile. Stay tuned for big laughs by 4 months.

1. Full night’s sleep

Full night’s sleep

It can take 4-6 months for a newborn to close her eyes at night and not open them again until morning. The first full night’s rest in her special crib marks a turning point in the whole family’s life – less heavy-eyed grumpiness, more good moods and alertness so you don’t miss the next round of firsts.

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