Some presents make repeat appearances.

Some presents make repeat appearances.

Love yourself. In today’s world of auto-this and instant-that, a hectic pace seems to be the norm, instead of the exception. Nevertheless, special occasions that need extra attention constantly present themselves throughout the year. Calendars are splotched with notations. Can you take time for a lengthy phone call to recognize a birthday or anniversary? Sometimes, you can’t. Is it too late to stop at the gift shop on the way home from work? Sometimes, it is.

Don’t fret. Shop the Internet and find lots of choices that are sure to please. One click of the mouse can connect you with a source for one spectacular gift, or a series of similar gifts – fruits, flowers, bakery and more – delivered on a monthly basis.

Save Time and Save Money

Long gone are the days when thoughtful gift-giving called for a lengthy journey to store after store. Today, it is easier than ever to go online to select a gift, then order and ship it. Creative gift-giving entails maneuvers that save you time, energy and money. Forget about a lengthy, gas-guzzling drive to the nearest shopping mall. Breathe easy. Relax. And don’t ever again worry about hearing glass shatter as that crystal vase intended for grandma hits the floor. Shopping the Internet means never having to say, “Oops.”

Some of the most popular items to purchase online are gifts that the recipient will enjoy all year long. A year’s subscription to a monthly magazine might thrill a nature lover, pet owner or gardener. A year’s membership to a health club tickles any athlete. Newlyweds love a gift of flowers or blooming plants, delivered fresh each month for a year from a floral club. In fact, a one-time purchase by you is all that’s needed to enroll someone in any number of clubs that send shipments of wonderful goodies on a continuing basis.


Go Clubbing for Repeat Performances

Many clubs are available. Are you sending a gift to someone who loves sweets? There are clubs that will send a big box of cookies bursting with chocolate chips, pecans or almonds. Next month? The box might contain an assortment of various honeys, luxurious chocolates or Scottish shortbread cookies. There are clubs that send a different kind of cake each month. Wine clubs abound that offer monthly shipments of varietal wines that might otherwise not be experienced by the recipient. When you enroll someone in a gift-of-the-month club, they get to try something new each time they open a delivery. And you have just one quick transaction with which to deal.

Among the most popular of these types of memberships are those to fruit clubs. Imagine receiving – in the dead of winter when the landscape is cloaked in snow – a big gift basket of fruit. The doorbell rings. A fruit basket is passed. It’s full of fragrant, grove-fresh Ruby Red grapefruits. In the spring, the delivery might be comprised of an attractive wicker basket mounded high with plump red strawberries. Following that, all summer long, something new comes to the person enrolled in one of  these fruit clubs. Think about blushing mangoes and ripe Bartlett pears. Sending such a gift is a sure way to generate a thank you that’s enthusiastic, maybe every month.

Tailor Your Gift to Your Wallet

Fruit clubs, cake clubs, bakery clubs and their kin sometimes offer another perk. It’s frequently possible to tailor your gift so that it is easy on your wallet. Membership in a gift club that sends a package every month may be an extravagance. However, it’s often possible to purchase a three-month membership, or a membership of a different duration.

The selection from the fruit clubs that provide fresh citrus during the winter months might differ during the summer months, but everything offered is top shelf. Inquire about plans that entail less of a commitment if finances are a consideration. Three months, four months, six months – the choice is yours at many of the most popular fruit clubs, cake clubs, wine clubs and other merchant organizations.

It’s the thought that counts. Whether you choose to send something as fancy as a year-long membership in one of the many fruit clubs available or as simple as a single rose in a floral arrangement, your gift is sure to warm the heart. You can easily send individual baskets at any time by ordering online. You can send a self-contained picnic for two with all the trimmings. You can send a taste of Florida by shipping some gift baskets of jellies, orange marmalade and jams. You don’t have to have a big bank account to select a gift that is great to receive and hassle-free to give. So, sit back and relax. The next special occasion is just around the corner.



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