An overview of tips, products and methods for treating and curing Warts

An overview of tips, products and methods for treating and curing Warts

Although they can be somewhat painful, annoying and unsightly, warts are actually a very common and benign dermatological problem, caused by the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV. Contrary to urban legends and fairy tales, it is impossible to get warts from kissing frogs. 

However, warts are contagious, since they are caused by a virus which can enter the body through tiny cuts or breaks in the skin. For this reason, it is best to avoid direct contact with an individual who does exhibit warts, and encourage them to properly treat the virus.  

Warts come in a variety of different types, and sizes and can occur on a wide range of places on the human body. The three most common varieties of warts include plantar warts, flat warts and genital warts. Before investigating how to get rid of warts, it is helpful to understand exactly what type of wart you are treating.  

There are many methods, suggestions, tips, products and medical procedures that can help to get rid of warts. However, many warts will disappear on their own over time.  If you are interested in treatments to cure or remove warts, here is a list of helpful recommendations.


Tips, Products and Methods for Treating and Curing Warts:

1.  Soaking the Wart in Warm Soapy Water:

Before you do anything else, start by soaking your wart in warm, or hot soapy water (use antibacterial soap). This will help to keep the area clean, preventing the virus from spreading to other parts of your body. Extended soaking will also help to soften the wart, making the skin more receptive to absorbing topical ointments, treatments, etc.

2.  Salicylic Acid:

Products with Salicylic Acid have been proven as some of the very best treatments for warts. The acid acts as an irritant that eats away at the wart. Products containing salicylic acid include Castor oil, vitamin C tablets, and aspirin.  

The best way to treat warts with salicylic acid is to first soak and moisten/soften the wart, then use a band-aid, medical tape, or duct tape to bind a moistened vitamin c tablet or aspirin tablet, or a cotton ball soaked in castor oil, to the wart. Leave the wart bandaged this way overnight, and during the day if possible. Change the bandage and salicylic acid tablet regular and wash the area regularly.

3.  Vinegar:

Vinegar is another great ingredient for dissolving warts. Soak a cotton ball in vinegar and bandage it to your wart, or if possible regularly soak the wart in a small basin of vinegar.

4.  Dandelion Sap:

Who knew that cures for warts could be found right in your own back yard? Pick a dandelion, break open the stem and let the white, sticky sap drip directly onto your wart. You may wish to cover the area with a band-aid or sterile bandage. Regularly drip the dandelion sap onto your wart, as often as three times a day. The acidic irritants in dandelion sap will help to dissolve your wart.

5.  Garlic:

Garlic is a potent ingredient that many people recommend as a cure for warts. Some people recommend taking garlic pills orally, to help reduce the healing time of warts. Others recommend directly applying a moistened slice of garlic to the infected area. Garlic capsules can be found in many health food stores.

6.  Prescriptions and Over the Counter Treatments:

There are a wide variety of brand name pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter products which are highly effective in treating warts. Retinoid topical creams, Aldera, Imiquimod, Blemocyin are all examples of treatments that can be more aggressive that using natural ingredients such as vinegar or salicylic acid.

7.  Medical Clinic Treatments:

Certified medical clinics offer more invasive and effective methods for treating warts such as cryotherapy (which involves freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen), electrosurgery and laser treatment. Care should be taken when opting for any of these medical procedures, as they can lead to scarring. There is also a risk of re-ocurrance of warts if the HPV virus is not completely eradicated.

Resources: Warts Warts



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