Rehoming dogs is the mission of greyhound rescue and adoption groups nationally

Rehoming dogs is the mission of greyhound rescue and adoption groups nationally

What is greyhound rescue and adoption? It is when an organization or individuals set out to save greyhounds that have been retired or failed in dog racing.

For example, there are those who are making a huge effort to rescue greyhounds that are no longer capable of competing. Greyhounds are often put to work as race dogs. When they can no longer race and are no longer profitable they are disposed of.

The greyhounds that are rescued and put up for adoption are frequently trained athletes that are retired. This variety of dog is generally bred by professionals who are trying to produce dogs with endurance, a good temperaments and, most of all, speed.

Greyhounds that are raised on this type of farm become very socialized with humans because they are handled a lot but they are not accustomed to being around other types of dogs.

According to the Humane Society, greyhound racing is animal abuse because the unwanted dogs, those that don?t make the grade, are destroyed. These dogs are considered unnecessary surplus and are done away with.

Additionally, according to the Humane Society, the dogs don?t always live in a healthy environment and they are forced to maim and kill rabbits and other ?bait? animals during training. Greyhounds are often forced to engage in ?coursing? which means chasing animals within a fenced in space because it is believed by the owners that this helps the dog run faster because he has developed a taste for blood.


The Humane Society contends that greyhounds are not bloodhounds but sight hounds which means their desire to run has nothing to do with the scent of blood but because they see a moving object.

Greyhound racing is entertainment for humans and is often done at the expense of the animal.

A greyhound can live a long time, even more than 13 years. However, it isn?t going to be able to race that long. If a greyhound is injured or simply lacks racing potential it is killed.

Although some dogs are recovered and adopted into loving homes, others are bludgeoned to death, starved or abandoned, notes the Humane Society.

The racing dogs are kept in pens or crates for most of their racing lives and their exposure to humans can be limited. The housing is generally not climate controlled so the dogs get very hot or cold.

Some greyhounds are retrieved and put into a safe place while others are sold to research laboratories and become guinea pigs. Others are sent to breeding facilities or to foreign countries where the race tracks are deplorable.

When an individual adopts a rescued greyhound he must keep in mind that the dog is a track dog and has had no exposure to children. The dog doesn?t necessarily dislike kids because it?s never been around them but the dog is not familiar with them.

If the adoptive owner has children he must realize that an adjustment period of three to six months is required before the dog and children can safely interact.

Anytime a person adopts an animal either from a rescue organization or from a shelter they should do some homework and find out about the particular type of dog they are adopting. Every dog breed has its own personality, temperament, quirks and idiosyncrasies. Some make wonderful family dogs while others don?t.

For instance, greyhounds may not be compatible with small animals. If your greyhound clicks or snaps his teeth, trembles or lurches, his ears are alert and he has a fixed stare this may indicate that there is going to be trouble between the greyhound and the smaller animal.

Keep the animals separate. When they are interacting, keep a close eye on them. Do not let your greyhound chase any small animals. Feed the animals separately.



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