There is an astounding array of hearing advancement options available

There is an astounding array of hearing advancement options available

Huh? Say again? It’s not easy maneuvering through society on a wide-open frequency when everyone around you is mumbling. It’s difficult when people sound as if they are talking underwater or through a wad of cotton stuffed into their cheeks. 

But wait a minute. 

Maybe the problem is the way you hear?or don’t hear. Why not banish the mumble-jumble? It’s time to investigate some of the newest hearing advancement devices available today.

What are some of the assistive devices for those with hearing problems?

Hustle bustle. That’s the pulse of today’s world whether you are a full-time employee pulling an eight-hour shift, a parent or a student. If you are retired or fancy free chances are good that there are not enough hours in the day. Hobbies, volunteer work, social clubs and chit-chat are valued commodities that call for interactions with people. It’s a world of sounds and words.


Scores of scientists working in laboratories all around the world devote long hours to inventing devices that make life easier for those with hearing loss?no matter how severe or mild. 

The science goes far beyond designing and testing hearing aids. There are two-way pagers that enable conversations to be had without holding a receiver up to the ear. There are compact speakerphones with crystal clear reception. Cell phone amplifiers are becoming essentials for folks with hearing loss. And laws now mandate cell phone makers to offer models compatible for use with hearing aids.

What can be done for hearing-impaired folks who are cell phone users?

One New Hampshire lady who over the years has purchased increasingly expensive hearing aids noted that she finds it almost impossible to hold a cell phone against her ear without interfering with her in-ear hearing aids. She finds it necessary to place the phone at an awkward angle?one that keeps it close enough to her ear to hear the conversation, yet far enough away to keep the phone clear of her in-ear aids.

A solution for her might be a simple little invention that is a circular padded disc with an opening in the middle. Placed on the cell phone receiver, it cuts out lots of extraneous noise and channels the sound more precisely into the ear. 

The innovation is just one of dozens of hearing advancement devices that are available today. This is an age of marvels in the field of communication. There is a solution for almost every problem. And hearing problems have lots of solutions.

What are some products for use in the homes of people with hearing loss?

The home is one place where science has triumphed when it comes to the development of products that are of assistance to those with hearing problems. 

Many people are aware that there are signaling systems for use with in-home or in-office phones. The phone rings and activates a light is activated that blinks in time with the ringing tone of the phone. That strobe light on the phone is what attracts the attention of the person whose call might otherwise go unnoticed. 

Light signals have been around for years but today there are other innovations.

How about a doorbell whose chime is reinforced by a blinking light? How about a vibrating mechanism that enables a person to feel when their phone, doorbell or smoke alarm is activated? 

The wonders of science are answering many of the challenges faced by people who have hearing needs. Among the solutions are vibrating alarm clocks that include a bed-shaking mechanism. Just think. Now, you can wake up with a shake up.

There also are a variety of mechanisms that one way or another increase the volume on a whole host of products?cell phones, door bells, alarm clocks and security systems. Many may include a light similar to a strobe light?one that’s impossible to ignore. One especially handy gizmo is a vibrating telephone pager that clips onto your belt. You can be in the garage or in the garden and you’ll know when a call is coming in even though the ringing may be totally inaudible from your location.

What is the extent of hearing loss problems for Americans?

In years gone by the general public may have believed that hearing loss was something afflicting mostly senior citizens. It’s said some two million adults over the age of 70 have hearing difficulties. Nevertheless, the rock-and-roll generation that loved loud bands is suffering, as are younger folks whose headsets remain at max volume. The human senses of taste, touch, smell and sight are marvelous wonders but when the fifth sense?hearing?is added, life sounds good, too.



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