How to eliminate acne with organic, all natural vitamins and herbal treatments

How to eliminate acne with organic, all natural vitamins and herbal treatments

Many people, including me, have suffered from severe and embarrassing cases of acne during their teenage years. People who have never suffered from acne may not realize how socially and psychologically traumatizing acne can be when it suddenly occurs at the precise age when adolescents are most concerned about their personal appearance and social network.

Certainly, high school is stressful enough without having to worry about embarrassing acne breakouts. While many teenagers are familiar with standard medications, prescriptions and topical products, few are aware of the benefits of natural, organic homeopathic treatments for acne.

Throughout my own high school years, my loving parents tried their best to assuage my dismay by offering supportive condolences such as ?don?t worry honey; it?s just a phase you will grow out of.?  Although well intended, these comments only served to make me more miserable after nearly four years had passed, and I still hadn?t ?grown out of it.?

I began a long and frustrating journey of visits to doctors and dermatologists. Like most teenagers, I tried everything – starting with a vast array of topical ointments, washes, creams and cleansers, and moving on to antibiotics, over the counter acne treatments, and even prescription medications. I eventually experimented with fad diets that claimed to lower the hormonal overproduction of sebum, the waxy substance scientists had identified as the cause of blocked pores and hair follicles, leading to bacteria and acne. 


While some of these traditional prescription medications and topical ointments were mildly effective at reducing breakouts, they never succeeded in permanently eliminating my acne or changing the nature of my oily skin. Finally, I made, what was for me, the wise decision to visit a nutritionist and homeopathic practitioner. 

This practitioner was the first to inform me that proper diet, combined with vitamin therapy, ayurvedic treatments, homeopathic treatments and herbal remedies for acne, could finally cure my breakouts once and for all. 

To begin with, my homeopathic practitioner recommended eating foods high in beta carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe and other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables. She also advised that I eliminate fried and spicy foods, and include in my diet bland foods such as oatmeal, and basmati rice.

In regard to vitamin therapy, she recommended high doses of vitamin A, Zinc, Vitamins B2 and B3 and Vitamin E. She initially informed me about a prescription drug called tretinonin, a derivative of Vitamin A, proven to alter the growth of oil glands, but cautioned that tretinonin had side effects such as burning and drying out of the skin. Instead, she advised that I take retinol, a naturally occurring form of Vitamin A found in fish oil, liver and some dairy products. 

Offering sound, all natural, herbal remedies for acne was one of the top priorities of my homeopathic practitioner. Taking the time to educate me about a system of all natural health and beauty care dating back more than two thousand years was another significant priority. She impressed upon me the fact that many herbal tonics have been proven to enhance over-all health and well being, by boosting the immune system, regulating hormone production, and even improving one?s ability to handle stress and anxiety.

The primary herbal remedies for acne treatment include a potent mixture of Burdock Root, mint leaf extract, Chinese licorice root, bupleurum root, red clover, neem, milk thistle, golden seal, Dong quai root, Chinese White Peony root, Dandelion root tincture, and pearl powder.

My homeopathic practitioner recommended that I use witch hazel as a natural cleanser, and natural topical ointments such as jojoba oil and tea tree oil for treating breakouts, white heads and black heads. She also recommended that I use only pure aloe vera as a moisturizer. Last but certainly not least, she recommended a natural, non-toxic, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal cleansing soap called Cyclic Nano Silver Cleanser. This particular cleanser, containing the five key ingredients of silver, silica, collagen, chitosan and sericin worked wonders for restoring a natural glow to my skin, and eliminating acne.

For me, the herbal remedies that got my acne under control may be an effective alternative for teenagers seeking organic, natural treatments with minimal side effects. However, nothing works over night. It takes time, patience and commitment to overcome acne and determine the ideal balance of herbal tonics, vitamins, nutrition and diet that will prove most beneficial for your unique body type. 




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