herbal alternatives to grow yourself by Catalogs.com Info Guru Paul Seaburn

Long before there were hospitals, pharmacies, drug companies and health insurance, diseases, illnesses, aches, pains and other ailments were treated with herbs.

While often scoffed at as folk remedies and old wives tales, science has proven that these herbs really do have medicinal properties, are safe to use and often easy to grow. Choose these herbal alternatives to grow yourself and your garden or window box may just reduce your medical bills.

10. Rosemary


If you’re smart, you’ll grow rosemary and add it to vegetables, breads and meat rubs because this fragrant and easy-to-grow herb is known to stimulate brain function.

9. Parsley


It’s time to stop using parsley as a garnish and instead gather up all those leaves and make a tea because parsley tea is full of iron and is effective in treating gas and bladder infections, as well as acting as a diuretic.

8. Marijuana


Dude, check your local laws before growing marijuana for medical purposes. Whether eaten, smoked or made into a tea, marijuana is known to relieve nausea, improve appetite and effectively treat glaucoma.

7. Feverfew


In Latin, feverfew means “fever relaxer” and that’s just one of the many healing properties of this member of the sunflower family. As a folk remedy, the leaves are chewed to reduce headache pain and made into a tea to treat the symptoms of arthritis.

6. Dandelion


It’s time to move dandelions from your lawn to your herb garden. Besides making a great and healthy salad, the blossoms and leaves can be infused in oils to sooth aching muscles.

5. Chamomile


Chamomile is a healing herb that can also help other herbs in the garden by making their essential oils stronger. In tea, it helps bring on sleep and soothes anxiety and indigestion. It can also relieve skin inflammations.

4. Thyme


If you have a cough or cold, it’s time for thyme. This herb relieves congestion as well as indigestion and can also be used as an antiseptic to treat wounds and fungus infections.

3. Lavender


The most fragrant of herbal healers, lavender tea has a wonderful calming effect and can relieve stress. It’s also used to reduce upset stomachs and gas.

2. Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is one of those herbs that’s been used since medieval times. This mint in a tea reduces stress, helps you to sleep and relieves indigestion. It also has healing properties for treating wounds and insect bites.

1. Sage


Recommend sage to your friends and you’ll be a wise sage. It has been used since ancient times to stop bleeding and to treat mouth and throat inflammations because it’s an astringent with ant-bacterial properties.

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