Best of how to stay healthyContributed by Tim Brugger, Top 10 Guru

It’s safe to assume most of us would prefer to get healthy, and then stay that way once we’ve made that sometimes arduous journey. Sure, this includes getting some exercise, and there are a lot of options to do so.

However, mental health; the ability to truly relax, get a good night’s sleep or simply enjoy the world around us, is every bit as important as being able to bench press your weight. Though, that’s pretty impressive too.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to stay healthy – physically and mentally vibrant.

Specialty Sporting Goods

Equipment for extreme sports

Best of ways to stay healthy

A specialty sporting goods store has both equipment and inspiration for those who keep healthy by pushing their bodies to the limit. For those not into the ways of Zen, there’s certainly nothing wrong with good old fashioned exercise to stay fit. And for the diehards, that means long runs, rides on the bike, and maybe even Triathlons. Don’t forget to hydrate during extreme sports to keep healthy; they offer the most aerodynamic hydration systems on the market today, and if you’re on the back end of a Triathlon, your body’s giving you enough resistance already.

InVite Health

Body-fortifying vitamins and supplements

They have not, as yet anyway, developed the magic pill that will allow couch potatoes to stay healthy while skimming through the 287 channels offered via their satellite TV provider. Though InVite Health does offer the next best thing: a wide array of natural vitamins and supplements to help you stay fit, as well as recover from strenuous workouts, fend off the creeping crud and keep you energetic.

Yoga Gear Supplier

Coolest yoga equipment

yoga props at Yoga Direct

The days of yoga being for old hippies and new age Yanni-lovers are long since past. Not only does yoga require stamina, dexterity and the desire to turn oneself into a pretzel, it promotes a synergy between mind and body. Your yoga center or an exercise supply retailer will have everything a yoga master needs to promote a safe and healthy workout; including some of the coolest no-slip yoga socks on the planet.

3B Scientific

Products that pamper your muscles

Best of ways to stay healthy

So you’ve decided to get, and subsequently remain, fit; welcome to the live longer and healthier club. Unfortunately, in your zeal to get from point A to point Z (fitness), you skipped a few steps and now your muscles are screaming like a banshee. Not to worry, 3B Scientific has just what the doctor ordered: a therma-wrap that will feel like you’ve just laid down for the world’s best Swedish massage, without the price tag.

Relax the Back

Prevent injuries before they happen…even at work

One of the best ways to deal with injury and illness is to prevent it in the first place. That’s why choosing ergonomic chairs, work stations, foot rests, and cushions from Relax the Back should be a part of your plan to stay healthy and strong.

Not only will you prevent back pain and headaches, you might just head off far more serious damage later on in life. It’s a simple choice really…a comfy chair now, or possible surgery later. Yup, I thought you’d make the right choice!

Gourmet Food Stores

Simply delicious, healthy food

“You are what you eat.” It’s a old bit of wisdom, but the more we know about the impact of food choices on our short term and long term health, the more we have to recognize that it’s something we need to consider.

But just because food is wholesome, healthy and simple doesn’t mean it needs to be beige, bland or boring. Any store from the wonderful array of gourmet food retailers understands that. That’s why they work so hard to gather simple, delicious foods and cooking ingredients that support your healthy lifestyle. Never has healthy been so delicious!

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