Figure out how to pamper a new mom because baby shouldn't get all the goodies!

Figure out how to pamper a new mom because baby shouldn’t get all the goodies!

It’s a new baby!  How wonderful! Everyone is so excited to meet the new addition and shower the little one with gifts and attention.

But what about mom? After nine long months and all the planning and dreaming, shouldn’t she get some attention, too?  

Of course! But few people stop to think about how to pamper a new mom. Thank goodness you, oh wonderful reader, are different! As the mom of three, I know what I treasured during those early days…and what I wish someone would have done. So here are my suggestions for mom-pampering, from the simple to the luxurious. 

Little things matter

When it comes to making mom feel loved and cared for, the small, thoughtful gestures often mean the most. Here are a few to get you started. A super easy thing to to is think a little bit out of the box when shopping for a new baby. Instead of buying clothing and accessories for a newborn, buy colorful kids clothes and fun accessories. These will really be appreciated when all of a sudden those little sizes don’t fit!

A celebratory gift basket

Let mom and dad toast to the new arrival and spend some time reconnecting as a couple. Even breastfeeding moms can usually sip a bit of wine or champagne, so feel free to include the bubbly, along with chocolates, fruit or freshly baked sweets in a big gift basket or champagne bucket. 

A comfy, new shirt or hoodie

After several months wearing the same maternity clothes over and over, a new mom would love a brand new shirt (or cozy hoodie, if the weather is chilly.) Skip the tops emblazoned with mom messages. Just pick out something pretty in her favorite color. (Hint: if she’s nursing her newborn, opt for a shirt with buttons or a zipper-front hoodie to make things easier.) 


Help with chores

Right after you’ve had a baby, small chores can feel overwhelming. So help the new mom out by offering to walk the dog, drop off bill payments, handle pre-school car pool, or pick up stamps at the post office. Ask if she needs the fridge cleaned out or the kitty litter box emptied. None of these things might seem like much, but trust me, they are like gold to a tired and overwhelmed new parent. 


Almost every new mom thinks she’s going to create a complete, perfect baby book, filled with photos of every first. But when sleepless nights hit, all of that goes out the window. If you live close by, ask if you can come over regularly to take over some of the picture taking. Find out what she wants (a picture in a favorite outfit, a picture with an older sibling or a grandparent) and take lots of shots for her to select from. 

If mom (or dad) are taking the pictures, offer to get them printed at the local drugstore so they can be put into albums while the memories are fresh. 


Most moms neglect their nails during those last few months of pregnancy. And once baby comes, there’s no time. Why not offer a gift of a manicure or pedicure right there at home? If you’re good at it, you can do it yourself. If not, some salons have nail artists who make house calls. Track one down and set it up for naptime. 

Big-time pampering

Spa Day

After the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth, a woman might not feel her beautiful best. A day of luxury and care at a spa might be just the thing she needs to feel more like herself. Message is often not recommended for several weeks after childbirth, but facials, skin treatments and hair care are all wonderful choices. 

Before you give this gift, make sure she has access to someone to care for the baby during the visit. 

Home organizer

Bringing a new baby into a house can turn a tidy home into a confusing maze, especially if it’s the first child. (Once you’ve had two or more, the chaos never seems quite as daunting!) 

With the mom’s permission, hire a professional organizer to help her arrange baby gear, tiny clothes, and everything else to make keeping the house clean and functioning easier. 


This one is for the dad. Your wife has just created a whole new person from her body. If that isn’t an occasion for diamonds, I don’t know what is. Treat your wife to a sparkling bauble to remind her that in your eyes, she’s still the most beautiful woman in the world. 



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