One of the best of indoor air quality solutionsContributed by Tim Brugger, Top 10 Guru

There are a lot of things to like about the Fall and Winter seasons; Holidays with friends and family, skiing for those who are so inclined or heading for some fun in the sun.

Unfortunately, cold inclement weather also means our homes stay sealed up like the proverbial vacuum for months at a time. That means breathing in months of recycled air; not good.

With your health in mind, here are the best indoor air quality solutions.


Furnace efficiency and quality

One of the best of indoor air quality solutions

Okay, not real glamorous to get our best of list off and running, but it’s one of the more important indoor air quality solutions around. Changing the filter in your furnace means less dust and lint shooting through your home, and that means a healthier Winter for everyone.


Dirt in, clean air out

Commercial vacuums for home use

Unfortunately, air quality considerations or not, we should still bust out the vacuum on occasion (some of us more rarely than others) during the Winter. However, some traditional systems can shoot as much crud into the air as they pick up. The Sanitaire® line of commercial vacuums are designed for exceptional suction and microfiltration, providing allergy sufferers and those that, given the choice, would prefer breathing clean air vs. lint-infested micro-organisms, with a better choice than those wimpy discount store vacuum cleaners.

Whole house air purifiers

Clean up indoor air

One of the best of indoor air quality solutions

Here’s a scary thought; according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indoor air is typically two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Who’d a thunk a nasty smog day in L.A. would be better for you than hanging in your living room! The folks at Waterwise will get that situation resolved with one of their air purifiers. They boast options with air purification capabilities from 350 to over 1,500 square feet. They even have a portable option to take to work or on the road, lord only knows what kind of air your co-workers are spewing out.

Natural Scents

Rich aromas without the chemicals

No matter how many air purifiers you use, you won’t have pure indoor air if you use synthetic scented candles, room sprays and other scented products. After all, a lot of you’re adding is made with the same chemicals found in gasoline and solvents. Yuck!

But you don’t have to pass on scented oils, aromatherapy products or candles when you choose all natural, essential oil scented soy candles and other household products from Aroma Naturals. They’re not satisfied with candles that smell good…they are committed to giving you candles that are good for you.

That’s great for you…and your indoor air quality, too.

Organic mattresses

Organic comfort

organic mattresses

An organic mattress included in at Best of Indoor Air Quality Solutions list, what’s this then? Turns out, most mattresses are made with poly-this and Urethane-that, meaning we’re sucking in chemicals and other nasties while getting our beauty sleep. Organic mattresses, on the other hand, are chemical free and all-natural. The result is a synthetic-free bed from earthsake with fewer allergens and improved indoor air quality.

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