Caffeine isn't all bad or all good

Caffeine isn’t all bad or all good

Are you one of those souls who cannot live without your morning jolt of caffeine? You?re in good?or should we say?bad company. Many of us rely on that boost of caffeine to get our mojo going and to keep us alert throughout the day. Caffeine consumption from coffee and tea isn?t all bad or all good.

The negatives about caffeine include the tendency to curb your appetite, which those trying to lose weight might like; however, an individual is likely to skip breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day, according to our mothers, and instead sustain herself on coffee. All coffee and no food is not a good way to start your day. You can have your cake and eat it too: eat your breakfast and drink some coffee. Just don?t forgo the food.


Caffeine will dehydrate you and increase urine production. If you don?t continue to hydrate yourself and consume beneficial fluids, such as water, you are going to get dry as a bone, which is not good for your body or your skin.

Caffeine can cause a jittery stomach, which some refer to as coffee stomach.

Many people put sugar or cream or both in their coffee, which adds calories as well as additional saturated fat and sugars into your diet.

If you try to stop consuming caffeine, you are going to go through withdrawal, which is unpleasant. Expect to get a headache.

However, caffeine is not bad to the bone. There are benefits to consuming caffeine, including wakefulness and alertness, when you need to be that way. Not so good if you drink it right before you go to bed and then experience insomnia. Caffeine stimulates the brain, which can reduce fatigue.

Those who have premenstrual syndrome, ulcers, chronic fatigue, kidney stones, irritable bowel syndrome, osteoporosis, cardiac arrhythmia, ulcers and/or kidney stones should avoid consuming caffeine because it will worsen your condition.

Women who have fibrocystic breast disease are cautioned to limit caffeine intake because it can make their breasts even sorer. Caffeine may increase your cholesterol and may aggravate certain cancers.

According to Science Direct, there is no evidence that caffeine consumption has an impact on calcium economy or bone status when the caffeine drinker is taking the recommended daily allowance of calcium. The potentially negative effects of calcium on absorption of calcium can be offset by drinking one- to two tablespoons of milk each day.

The American Journal of Epidemiology (AJE) notes that there is not any connection between the birth weight of an infant and caffeine consumption by his mother. The AJE further concludes that there is no association between caffeine consumption and fetal growth or gestational age.

Drink coffee in moderation. Instead of drinking large quantities of mediocre tea or coffee, enjoy a good cup of gourmet coffee or tea. Use good judgment. Remember to watch for other sources of caffeine in your diet, including chocolate, carbonated drinks and some pain relievers. Limit your caffeine consumption and you should not have any problems.


References: Caffeine: Is it Really All That Bad?

American Journal of Epidemiology



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