jimmy buffet tour tipsContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

It doesn’t matter whether you’re from Key Largo or Kansas City … there is nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, like a Jimmy Buffet concert.

From the time you pull into the parking lot to the moment you pull up in your driveway, you’re in for an experience like nothing else. In fact, going to a Jimmy Buffet concert has been known to cause otherwise ordinary people to quit their jobs, buy a boat and head for the Caribbean. So it pays to be prepared for your first (or tenth or sixty-seventh …) Parrot Head experience with these Jimmy Buffet tour tips from someone who’s been there … and will happily go again! (And again and again …)

10. Watch the tour schedule

jimmy buffet tour tips watch the tour schedule

I can’t imagine much worse than wanting to go to a Jimmy Buffet concert, planning to go, getting excited about going … and then realizing that he was performing in your city YESTERDAY! Don’t let this happen to you. Make sure you keep an eye on Jimmy Buffet tour schedule to make sure you’re up-to-date on the closest venue, and the date tickets go on sale.

Which brings me to the next of my Jimmy Buffet tour tips …

9. Buy early

jimmy buffet tour tips buy early

Really early. Like the day the tickets go on sale. Or maybe the hour they go on sale. Sure, in some cities you might possibly get a couple of seats closer to the concert. But in towns where the Parrot Head factor is high, a few hours delay might mean you’re stuck listening to that box set while your friends hear the real thing. A Parrot Head nightmare in the making!

8. Pay for the good seats

jimmy buffet tour tips get good tickets

Yes, almost all venues will have some cheap seats. And yes, parking yourself in the nosebleed section is better than missing the concert entirely. But only slightly.

A big part of the fun at a Buffet concert is seeing the man himself, and being in the middle of the action. Yes, the best seats are pricy. But this is an experience, not just a concert. Pull out the high-limit credit card and do it. You’ll thank me later.

7. Get the right look

jimmy buffet tour tips get the look

Certain concerts require certain clothes. And no where is that more true than at a Buffet concert. Well before the show date, stock up on Hawaiian shirts, Parrot Head hats and of course, flip-flops. It doesn’t matter if it’s a first date or a company outing or if you’re usually decked in black and piercings.

You gotta wear the look to get the experience.

6. Do your ab work

jimmy buffet tour tips do your ab work

The experience of a Jimmy Buffet concert does NOT start when the music begins. It starts in the parking lot, at the parties that precede the concert.

But this is no big game tail gate party with grills and team shirts. This is Buffet. And that means coconut bras, Parrot Head hats that defy gravity and of course, belly shots. This might sound like an odd tip, but you have to trust me. If there is any chance you might want to serve as a living shot glass, hit the gym, go on that diet, and get everything in place now before you get fitted for that grass skirt and coconut top.

5. Join the local Parrot Head club

jimmy buffet tour tips join parrot head group

Parrot Head clubs operate under the slogan “Party with a purpose.” And party they do. Yes, the groups do all kinds of great social and ecological service projects, but when it comes to a local Jimmy Buffet concert, they pull out all the party stops.

Being a member will not only keep you informed of area concerts, it will get you into the best pre-show parties around.

4. Go with friends … lots of friends

jimmy buffet tour tips go with friends

This is NOT a concert to attend alone! It’s party central, and for that you need friends. Lots of friends.

Plan ahead, and get your tickets together, so you can enjoy every moment together. Not only will it be more fun that night, you’ll have someone who might remember what you did after that last Corona. (On second thought, maybe it would be better if they didn’t!)

3. Have a designated driver

jimmy buffet tour tips designated driver

Drinking is a big part of the Parrot head experience, so make sure you have a designated driver … or a hotel reservation in walking distance. Remember, it’s all about good fun … and no one should get hurt as a result.

2. Bring money for the extras

jimmy buffet tour tips money for shirts

You will not want to leave the concert without at least a few souvenirs. It might be a concert CD, a hat, or a Parrot Head sweatshirt. But you’re gonna want something, so budget for the goodies, too.

But if you forget to buy something before you head home, fear not. You can always buy a couple of Buffet shirts, a cup or two or even a Margaritaville sign at Buffet’s online store, and no one will be the wiser.

1. Start planning for the next time

jimmy buffet tour tips plan for the next one

As soon as you get home from the concert, it’s time for one of the most critical, important Jimmy Buffet tour tips ever. Ready? Start planning for the next one! You know you’ll want to do it all again, so why not start right away? See you at the show!

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