lingerie drawerContributed by Info Guru Cindi Pearce

Is your ‘lingerie’ drawer a hideous mess, a chaotic cacophony of tattered and torn undies and bras?

If so it is time to take stock and start tossing the old stuff and replenishing with new. The top ten lingerie drawer essentials include:

10. Sachets


Put good-smelling sachets in your drawer. You can make sachets or buy them. Aromatic ingredients, such as lavender, jasmine and rose hips, are inside the sachet. This keeps undergarments smelling good. Your nose gets a treat every time you open the drawer.

9. Socks

knee socks

Socks are essential. They keep you warm and protect your feet. Knee high socks, over the knee, anklets, barely-three socks, they come in various styles, colors and textures. Get a whole slew of them because you’re going to need them to get you through the winter.

8. Tights and leggings

Tights and leggings

Tights and leggings are fashionable looking but also very functional. They keep you warm and provide support. You can continue wearing short dresses and skirts into the cold weather months as long as you couple them with tights or leggings.

7. Hose


Yes, women still wear hose. Just ask Kate Middleton. Hollywood celebs do not wear hose (or so it appears) but consider celebs can afford spray tanning whereas the average woman can’t or doesn’t want to be bothered. Wearing hosiery when dressed up is traditional and it makes your legs look a whole lot better than they do when bare legged (unless you are the exception to the rule and don’t have banged up, bruised up, varicose vein gams.) Throw in a garter belt for those times when you want to be frisky and a little bit dangerous.

6. Shapewear


Shapewear is a wonderful invention. Wear it under your clothing for a slimmer, more contoured silhouette. Shapewear tucks you in and flattens out and conceals problem areas such as the belly, hips, thighs, and back fat. It is supportive, feels good and knocks off five pounds, if not more.

5. PJs


Let’s be realistic. Not every woman wants to sleep in slinky, sexy nightgowns every night or … for some … any night. Some women prefer wearing pjs rather than gowns. You need a good supply of flannel pajamas, onesies (the one-piece, zip up the front footed pjs like you wore when you were a kid) and long underwear that keep you toasty warm.

4. Nightgowns


Long, short, flannel, lacy, silky, sexy, not-sexy … nightgowns come in numerous varieties and may (or may not) be a staple of your nightwear. You may be long overdue for some new ones. Granny had the right idea!

3. Underpants


Every woman has a specific preference in underpants. Just ask, she’ll tell you. Some undies are functional but not pretty, others are both. Choose from briefs, boy shorts, bikinis, Brazilian, hipster, control briefs, hip huggers, classic high cut, workout panties and control briefs. If you like really sexy foundation garments select from g-string, t-string or v-string undies, thongs, tangas and high cut Rios. Buy them in pretty colors and designs. Toss out those ratty ones that are presently occupying your lingerie drawer. If you aren’t sure which kind you like the best, experiment. You may find you like cotton, or satiny undies, or you might like those that are stretchy. You can have some fun with your undies or you can get down right serious about your intentions. When you’re wearing pretty panties, no one knows, necessarily, but you do and you will feel better, more confident and sexy. It’s your hidden arsenal.

2. Bras

bras at Sassybax

Most women wouldn’t step out the door without wearing a brassiere, although there are exceptions. Stock up on demi cups, strapless, those with sparkly and interchangeable straps, sports bras, bustiers, lacey ones, stretchy, drop-dead sexy, functional, supportive, comfortable and pretty bras. Wear different bras for different occasions and different functions.

1. For your eyes only


Some unmentionable items that spice up that sex life of yours!

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