The future of the Internet is in mobile wireless broadband technology

The future of the Internet is in mobile wireless broadband technology

Mobile wireless broadband is a new high-speed internet technology that has quickly succeeded in leaving Wi-Fi behind in the dust. 

Mobile wireless broadband functions over the network of cellular telephones, relying on cell phone towers, and in some cases, low orbiting satellites. Just a few years ago, cell phones were still using circuit-switching technologies, which functioned only at relatively slow speeds.  However, cell phone service providers such as Verizon, Sprint and AT&T Mobility have now rolled out third and fourth generation networks (3G and 4G) that offer increasingly efficient smart phone technology.

Today, consumers can also purchase a laptop card, PC card, Air card or USB equipment to connect a PC or laptop computer to the internet via mobile wireless broadband access through cell phone towers.  These contemporary methods of mobile internet connection have become increasingly stable and reliable. 

Mobile wireless broadband has much better overall coverage than WI-Fi, and it can work out  to be much less expensive as well.  

Mobile wireless broadband has become particularly appealing to road warriors, telecommuters, and other professionals whose life style and work routine involves a sufficient amount of travel.  While fixed broadband connections are not much help to road warriors, mobile technology has finally enabled these individuals to work on the train, bus, or from distant and changing locations.


In 2009, the growing demand for a broader spectrum of mobile wireless broadband inspired Senator John Kerry to introduce a bill requiring an in-depth study of efficient use of the spectrum.  On March 16th of 2010, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unveiled their plan for improving mobile broadband internet access through the United States. 

This plan, known as: Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan, was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, with a mission to provide every American with access to mobile broadband capability in order to ?advance consumer welfare, civic participation, public safety, homeland security, community development, health care delivery, energy independence and efficiency, education, employee training, private sector investment, entrepreneurial activity, job creation economic growth and other national purposes.?

What is the future of mobile wireless broadband technology? 

Exponential growth in wireless data traffic is anticipated.  By 2012, there will be over 1.8 billion broadband Internet users worldwide and more people will be using mobile broadband than land line broadband.  Providers are currently outlining strategies for handling this explosion of traffic and demand for increased bandwidth.  

Ultimately, the future of the internet is in mobile wireless broadband.  However, it remains to be seen how the true convenience and flexibility of mobile wireless broadband will be harnessed. 

New and ever improving technologies in this realm include devices such as portable hot spots, MiFi, pay as you go broadband plans, and other embedded devices. 



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