A list of the best of motorcycle maintenanceContributed by Tim Brugger, Catalogs.com Top 10 Guru

Keeping your bike in good shape will not only make your ride safer it’ll end up saving you some serious dollars.

A few maintenance steps here and there can prevent the big problems later on. If you love your bike you know there is no shortage of options for tinkering, but where to begin?

This list the Best of motorcycle maintenance tips will keep you on the road.

Online Auto Supply

Body repair and dent removal

dent repair kit for cars and cycles

You want to keep your bike looking like new, but road debris, gravel or even hail can leave your machine with dents, scrapes and dings. Not only do they look bad, they can lead to larger areas of rust which could damage your bike’s safety.

Taking it into the shop for all those minor repairs can quickly add up, but there is an alternative. Affordable dent repair kits and tools allow you to make professional-looking fixes at home even in those hard-to-reach places where ordinary repair tools won’t reach.

Organized Supplies and Tools

You can’t fix it if you can’t find it

We’ve all done it. Some minor repair or adjustment is needed, but you can’t lay your hands on the right tool. So you put it off until later, when you have time to look for that socket set or dig out that manual.

But that delay could mean big trouble for your bike… and might even put you in danger. That’s why the best motorcycle maintenance plan starts with an organized workspace. Getting everything in place with help from Pit Pal Products will make it easy to take care of minor problems before they become major issues. And isn’t that what maintenance is all about?

Motorcycle Supplies Online

Cable care

A list of the best of motorcycle maintenance

Maintenance is about taking care of the little things so they don’t have time to turn into big things. Take the cables for example. They take a beating from the weather, on-going use and even in storage if not protected. Take this handy little item for instance. It doesn’t look like much, doesn’t cost much either, but it can dramatically extend the life of your bike’s cables. You just clamp this cable lubricator over the housing and wire and you attach an aerosol can and lube to your heart’s content. Or, at least until it starts oozing out the other end, then you’re done.

Dennis Kirk

Keep chains aligned

A list of the best of motorcycle maintenance

Man, you just gotta love technology. Especially when it’s actually used to make things easier. Don’t judge this belt and chain alignment tool strictly by its size, that would be a disservice. This little ditty from Dennis Kirk employs laser technology to make sure your chain and belts are properly aligned, in seconds. Another seemingly innocuous motorcycle maintenance task, but one that saves you a new rim and even bigger engine problems by catching things early.

Discount Safety Gear

Stay safe while you work

safety goggles

Doing your own motorcycle repairs and restoration might be good for the wallet. (And if Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is to be believed, it’s equally good for your karma.) But with all those chemicals and the chance of small parts flying off, it might not be so good for your health — unless you take the proper safety measures.

Discount Safety Gear can provide you with the protection you need, including a good pair of safety googles, hearing protection, respirators (when you’re doing body work or painting) and materials to absorb spills — all smart to keep on hand whenever you’re doing major work.

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