When baby has arrived but the pounds are still there, try these simple tips.

When baby has arrived but the pounds are still there, try these simple tips.

Congratulations! You have a healthy, beautiful baby. And 30 pounds to lose. 

Sound familiar? For many women, the glow of pregnancy and child birth is followed by a realization that giving birth to a 7 pound infant didn’t miraculously help them lose the 40 pounds they gained. Now what?

If you’ve had no luck losing weight after child birth, here are some tips that experienced  moms have found helpful. 

Breastfeed your baby

If you’re supplementing breast milk with formula, consider breastfeeding exclusively. Not only is healthier for mom and baby, but nursing is the fastest and most effective way to lose those post pregnancy pounds. If you have recently given birth and are not nursing at all, talk to a lactation consultant about switching to breast milk. It may be possible, even if your baby started on bottles and formula.

Walk, walk, walk

A baby in a stroller is a great reason to take a walk. Go for a long walk in the park, around your city or even in the mall. Start out with a slower pace, and then pick up the speed as you feel stronger. Consider a jogging stroller as an incentive to kick it up a bit and get back in shape even faster. If you don’t like walking alone, join a mom’s club and find other new moms in your area. Many women who had no luck losing weight after child birth with diet alone found the pounds dropped off as they forged new friendships on long walks.

Try yoga

Once your midwife or doctor says you’re ready for exercise, consider adding yoga to your daily routine. The slow, gentle stretches and soothing poses are a great way to tone up, lose weight and calm a busy mind ? all wonderful for a new mom. There are postnatal yoga classes in most cities, and DVDs available for at home practice as well. 
Clean out your cabinets and fridge

If you’re home alone with a new baby, snacks can be a big temptation. Take a big trash bag and clear out all those unhealthy, high calorie, high fat and high salt snacks and sodas lurking in your kitchen. Replace sodas and chips with mineral water, healthy juices and fresh fruit. Avoid artificial sweeteners as they can be hazardous to you and your baby if you’re nursing, and may actually increase feelings of hunger. If your husband insists on having snack food, make him keep it at work. 

Get out and get busy

Staying at home with a new baby might seem like the right thing to do, but the fact is an infant is easily able to adapt to being on the go. Pack a good diaper bag, get off the couch and get out of the house. Art museums, playgroups, parks, and other places where you can meet other people and see new things are great for baby, too. The variety of sounds and sights are far more stimulating to tiny minds than the drone of the television.  Learn how to scrapbook, join a gym with a good nursery program or go out for the day with other moms. If your hands and mind are busy, it’s much easier to lose weight and get back in shape.

It will happen

Having a new baby is a big change. And while you probably won’t see your old figure for awhile, with a good exercise plan and some attention to what you eat, it will happen eventually. In the meantime, enjoy that precious new addition!



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