modern nurseryContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

Taking care of a newborn is a joy…and a challenge. If you’re expecting your first baby, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the number of things one tiny infant will need.

Instead of struggling to keep track of where everything is (were those onesies in the drawer on or a shelf? What about the extra baby powder?), now is the time to set up some tried and true nursery organization ideas. With a little planning and a few supplies, you will be able to spend more time enjoying baby and less time stressing over how to keep track of it all in baby’s room.

10. Open shelf changing tables are your friend

Changing table from aBaby

When my first baby was born, I wanted a changing table with drawers like a dresser. To me, organized meant everything tucked away. Thank goodness my mom knew better and bought a changing table with open shelves.

During those early, exhausted first days, I don’t think I could have opened a drawer, much less looked inside for little diapers or undershirts. Open shelving let me see and reach for what I needed without taking my eyes off the baby. And when he got bigger and wiggled more, being able to keep one hand on him while I grabbed a diaper or wipes was priceless.

9. Stock up on clear bins

plastic storage boxes

You don’t want to have to deal with tumbled over piles of baby clothes. But they just don’t stack well. That’s where clear plastic bins come in handy. Fill the shelves of your changing table, the baby’s closet and the nursery dresser drawers with clear plastic bins. Shoebox size boxes are perfect for newborn onesies, socks or baby washcloths. Bigger boxes are perfect for filling with diapers, clothes, toys and diapering supplies like powder, cream and wipes.

Label the bins in closets and on shelves to make it easy to find what you need, and to restock empty bins. Leave the lids off for quick access when you need something.

8. Keep extras on hand

baby care supplies on shelves

No matter how big that tube of diaper cream might look compared to your newborn, I promise you that it will run out. And if you’re anything like me, it will happen in the middle of the night when a quick run to the store is out of the question.

Keeping extra onesies, extra diaper cream, and of course, extra diapers on hand will keep your stress level down. Store the extras in closed bins. When you take out the last powder or shampoo or whatever, immediately add it to your shopping list. That way the cupboard will never be bare.

7. Sort by size — and season

Baby clothes in closet

Babies are good at a lot of things, including growing faster than you ever thought possible. If you keep baby clothes sorted by size and season, it will be easier to find a bigger sweater, warmer top or roomier pair of pants when you need them.

6. Buy one package of diapers in the next size.

newborn being diapered

Those growing newborns are also pros at outgrowing their diapers just when you least expect it. If you keep a package of the next diaper size on hand, you’ll be prepared for the “Oh, no — these diapers are too small” moment.

5. Sort out the too small things regularly

box of baby clothes

Make it a habit to go through baby’s clothes, diapers and booties to pull out anything that doesn’t fit. That way drawers, closets and bins won’t be an exercise in frustration as you select one too-small item after another. (Don’t forget to look through the diaper bag, too!) Pack them away for the next baby, or give them to a friend or a charity.

4. Go spare with the diaper bag

LAYLA GRACE diaper bag

Okay, this technically isn’t about the nursery, but when you’re out and about, the diaper bag becomes your portable nursery. So it makes sense to start packing it there.

Keep one bin or shelf in the nursery just for diaper bag supplies. Then every day, check the diaper bag and make sure you have the basics for a few hours out. One or two diapers. One change of clothing, rolled up. A small pack of wipes. A small tube of cream, if needed. An extra pair of socks or booties. And a receiving blanket. If baby drinks formula, make sure old bottles are removed as soon as you get home. (Oh, how those bottles can smell!) If baby is on solid food, a jar or packet of food, a spoon and a bib are needed. The rest…all the extras the baby magazines and stores will tell you that you need can stay at home.

For longer outings, you can always pack a few extra diapers and another outfit in a separate bag to leave in the car “just in case.”

3. Take storage up the walls

nursery wall shelves

Even before they’re old enough to play with anything, babies will start accumulating toys. You don’t want to cover dresser tops with toys. And it’s not safe to keep too many toys in a crib, especially with newborns. Fortunately nursery catalogs and stores offer lots of wall-mounted storage and ceiling storage, too. Going up will save precious floor space, too.

2. Invest in a bookshelf

kids bookcase

Reading to babies from birth is associated with better reading skills and school success later on, so make sure to include at least a couple of shelves for books right from the start. If floor space is at a premium, opt for a wall-mounted shelf or two, or use bookends and story some favorite books on a dresser top.

1. Keep it where you use it

organized nursery

When you’re trying to dress a wiggly baby, change wet crib bedding or grab a book to read before bedtime, you don’t want to have to walk all over the room to get what you need. Simply keeping baby’s things where you’ll use them is probably the best of all nursery organization ideas I can offer. It will save you steps, frustration and energy — all big bonuses with a new baby in house!

You want as much time with baby as possible. An organized nursery can make that so much easier.

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