personal safety by Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

No woman wants to become another crime statistic.

The increasing incidents of violence, invasions and robberies are hardly top of mind. Until you turn down an unexpectedly dark street or work late and have to walk through an empty parking garage late at night.

These top personal safety tips for women will help you do everything possible to avoid dangerous situations and defend yourself if necessary.

10. Carry pepper spray

Carry pepper spray

A self-defense aid like pepper spray may make the difference between getting away and not. Carry it in an easy-to-grab place in your purse so you don’t have to fumble for it. Attach an extra one to your keychain so it’s with you on runs and in your hand when walking to the car. Read the instructions so you instinctively know how to use it without having to think.

9. Be aware

Be aware

According to crime studies, criminals choose easy targets, those who are distracted or unaware of their surroundings. Project a defensive presence in familiar places by resisting the urge to talk of the phone or listen to music. Don’t pull out the guide book if you feel watched and observe international travel precautions. Keep your head up and eyes on your surroundings. Use an umbrella when necessary, but stay vigilant and don’t hide under hood.

8. Listen to your gut

Listen to your gut

Humans are equipped with powerful intuition, but it’s often ignored for fear of being impolite. The classic example is stepping on an elevator with someone who sets off red flags. Avoid any situation that doesn’t feel safe. Check mirrors before entering an enclosed space, stand between the door and buttons on an elevator and always step off if you’re alone and someone sketchy steps on.

7. Stick together

Stick together

These personal safety tips for women apply mostly to situations when you’re alone as criminals are less likely to target groups. When out with your ladies, decide to stick together and don’t let each other go off with a stranger.

6. Select ATMs wisely

Select ATMs wisely

Before going to an ATM, look around and move on if anyone suspicious is hovering. Use machines located in well-lit areas with people around, but skip the ones on the street. Stand so your back blocks any bystanders’ view of your pin and the cash. Put away your card, cash and receipt in your leather wallet or purse before stepping away.

5. Don’t broadcast personal information

Don’t broadcast personal information

Revealing too much information online or in person is risky. Don’t check in with Four Square or post on Facebook when you first arrive. Save the post for when you leave. When asked to confirm your home address or other personal information, do so in private or whisper it in person. You never know who may be listening.

4. Serve yourself

Serve yourself

Play it safe at parties and pour your own drink. If you leave it unattended, get another one.

3. Caution in parking lots

Caution in parking lots

Dark parking lots and garages are prime spots for an attack. They’re hard to avoid if you’re a driver, so before getting too close to the car, look underneath to ensure nobody is there. If there’s a van parked on the driver side of your car, enter yours through the passenger door, checking the backseat first. If a tire is flat, go to a well-lit, populated area and call for assistance. Do not accept help if offered and install a GPS live tracking system in case the car is stolen.

2. Mind your home

Mind your home

Personal safety tips for women cover life at home, too. Check the batteries in your home appliances, smoke and CO2 detectors regularly and keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen (required by law in many states). Check all detectors when you first move in for hidden cameras – especially if you live alone.

1. Let it go

Let it go

Police departments instruct people to let their wallets and purses go if someone grabs it. Better yet, throw them in one direction while you run in another. The person may have a weapon. Report the theft, cancel cards and change locks if your keys were stolen, too.

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