Where planting tulip bulbs is best for a gorgeous, colorful spring garden

Where planting tulip bulbs is best for a gorgeous, colorful spring garden

No spring is complete without the splashes of color and the rich scent of bulbed flowers.  If you know where planting tulip bulbs can bring a new sense of excitement, along with the lulling buzz of the season’s first honey bees, you will have a magnificent spring garden.

Tulips are loved by both amateur and expert gardeners due not only to their magnificent colors, but also to their simplicity.  Tulip bulbs are easy to plant, leaving the gardener more time to concentrate on the design of the garden bed itself.

While tulip bulbs are quite easy to plant and grow, here are a few tips to help any gardener out:

  • Bulbs need to be planted in the late fall or early winter.  They like the ground to be cool, but not too cold.  Make sure that you plant them about six weeks before the first frost so that they can establish themselves beforehand.
  • When searching for a suitable area where planting tulip bulbs will yield the best results, make sure that your garden bed has soil which drains well.  If your bulbs stay too wet they can rot.  Also make sure that your garden bed is not situated in a place which collects water such as at the bottom of a hill.
  • When preparing your flower bed, make sure that your soil is loose and able to be easily worked through.  If it has not already been established as a flower bed, you may want to add some organic material such as compost or peat moss.


  • When you are finally ready to put your bulbs in the ground, bury larger bulbs about eight inches in the ground and smaller bulbs about five inches.  Let the them establish roots for about four weeks before watering.  Bulbs like it moist, but not too wet.  
  • If you are planting bulbs for the first time, keep in mind that you don’t need to add fertilizer.  The bulbs already come equipped with their own nutrients.  When adding fertilizer later, make sure that the fertilizer does not come into contact with the bulb itself, this could burn the roots. 
  • If you are planning on storing bulbs, keep in mind that they can be stored in a cool place, but should generally not be kept for more than a month.  Your bulbs won’t last until the next planting season. 
  • When picking out bulbs, keep in mind that the bigger the bulbs are, the larger the blooms will be in the spring.  A large bulb can produce large flowers for a few years in succession.  Even though they may cost a bit more, it is often worth it to pay a little extra for the larger bulbs.
  • When organizing your bed, keep in mind that bulbed flowers generally look better when planted in clumps.  This keeps the colors concentrated, and will look attractive even if you have minimal plants.  Planting tulip bulbs with a visual plan according to color will give you the most “curb appeal.”

Tulip bulbs
How to plant flower bulbs



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