Here is a list of places where you can find resources for tractor collectors

Here is a list of places where you can find resources for tractor collectors

It stands to reason that if you are calling yourself a tractor collector, you are well aware that your hobby is something that isn’t as well known as something like a baseball card collector. That doesn’t mean you should find yourself out in the cold, wandering the wilderness (or the cornfields) and not knowing how to continue to pursue your hobby to your full enjoyment.

That is why we have brought you a list of places that will help you know where to find resources for tractor collectors. Some of these resources will help you build up your collection while others will put you in touch with other people who share your hobby. Still others will simply allow you to see the work and effort of other collectors throughout the ages.

Resources To Purchase Full Tractors or Tractor Parts

One of the biggest goals for people who have a real passion for tractor collecting is to be able to have these tractors in as good a position as possible. Some people want to keep the paint job and the parts that the tractor had when it rolled off the factory floor. Others are always wanting to find full, put-together tractors that they can add to their stable.

Steiner Tractor:

Steiner Tractor allows people who want to repair what they have, or add to their collection find both in one stop. As the website itself says, this is a place to come to find new parts for old tractors. You aren’t going to be going to this site for state of the art tractors. This site is where to go when trying to fix up older models.

Selling parts isn’t the only thing the site has an interest in. This is a place that knows hobbyists are likely to come here and there is a section of the site which is specifically dedicated to them. By doing this, the site has built itself a little community.


John Deere:

Obviously, by going to this site, you are going to be seeing more parts for tractors that are among the newest models, but the site also has parts for some of its models from the past. You can also buy some older models that are not as popular among those who are still working their farms as the newer types.

This is a retail site only, and they certainly aren’t paying a lot of lip service to hobbyists, but if you need a part in a pinch, they can help.


Worthington is another site that offers parts for older tractors. This site is also only a retail site, but they also have a spot where you can actually enter a request for those hard to find parts.

Resources For Hobbyists To Connect


This site is a place to come when looking for resources for tractor collectors especially if you have an interest in collecting other old farm equipment. It seems as if this is a place you could go if you wanted to put together an old time farm, complete with any and all equipment it would contain including old windmills.There’s a store, an explanation of the life and a vibrant community where hobbyists can have conversations and questions answered.

Vintage Garden Tractor Club of America:

Obviously, this is a place that is quite a bit more specialized than Farm Collector. It might actually be too specialized for some tractor collectors and depends entirely on how much a hobbyist wants to expand their collection. It stands to reason that there will be some bleed-over so people who are looking at only collecting larger farm tractors might still be able to get something out of the community on that site.

One added aspect is it is very easy to find out where shows for that particular organization are being held, making it that much easier to connect with other collectors when they are in your community.



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