Retro party ideas and themes from the 50s, 60s or 70s makes the party fun!!

Retro party ideas and themes from the 50s, 60s or 70s makes the party fun!!

A few good friends, good food, great music and the right location and you?ve got fun times! Partying is a ton of fun and planning parties is even more fun when there is a theme behind it. Parties that carry nostalgic themes or “old school” fun can make party planning fun while creating retro party ideas.

Planning a party with a group of friends who all have different tastes and lots of energy makes the planning very interesting. Let each friend or co-host take a certain theme of the party and plan it. One person can plan the retro food while another person plans the retro decorating portion. Including others in the retro party planning means more ideas and more creativity at the party.


What kinds of party themes are popular? Dated themes like the roaring 40s or disco 70s retro party ideas are popular with almost all crowds from the very young to the young at heart. You can have a lot of fun with themes that require guests to mingle, interact and are conversation starters. Retro party ideas leave a lot to the imagination and sparks creativity.

When planning a retro party, ideas to use to make it as much fun as possible include:

– Creating eclectic invitations that tell the guest about your theme. Use ?aged? looking paper to print your invitations. If you mail your invitations, use aged-themed envelopes as well to match the themed invitations.

– Selecting popular food choices that are from the retro era that you?ve selected. Use mason jars to serve the guest their drinks. Place homemade cookies in old-fashioned containers for the guests to serve themselves. Use doilies on platters to assemble hors d’oeuvres

– Serve potato chips and finger snacks from ceramic bowls. Use the Jiffy pop popcorn containers on top of the stove as a fun way to engage the little guests (children) at the party.

– Having a contest for the retro best-dressed party-goer is a great idea. Take pictures with an instant Polaroid of each guest and display them on the refrigerator, just like in the (popular) 70s. Let an unbiased guest choose the best dressed and as a contest prize, give them the old-fashioned retro cookie jar container.

– Decorating the party place in the retro party ideas theme. Include disco balls, lava lamps and beaded curtains to give the party a charged, fun atmosphere. Use lamps for lighting instead of bright lights to give the room more of a themed look.

Retro party ideas that use imaginative creativity and things that are different will make the guests feel comfortable and ensure lots of fun. Engaging the guests along with their ideas can make the party theme even more fun.



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