seafood lovers giftsContributed by Info Guru Oliver VanDervoort

It’s the time of year when you want to find a really good gift for that special someone.

You want to find the kind of present that will show that you put some really good thought into what you are giving them and that you know they will like. So what you do give someone who has a real love affair with, crab, lobster and the rest of the creatures that live under the sea? There are a ton of different ways you can go to make the seafood aficionados in your life light up like a Christmas tree when they receive your gift. We’ve brought you the top 10 seafood lovers gifts as a bit of a jumping off point for your brainstorming needs.

10. Salmon Gift Pack

salmon from Norway

Salmon has long been one of the favorite dishes of committed seafood lovers. And thanks to some amazing online gourmet food catalogs, you can send this tasty treat almost anywhere, and have it taste as fresh as the day it was caught. Look for vacuum packed filets for the best flavor and color, then pair your salmon gift with seasonings, a rub or sauce to complete the dish.

9. Surf and Turf Assortment

Surf and Turf Assortment

Surf and Turf has long been something that goes hand in hand. A little bit of lobster or crab and a little bit of steak or hamburger and you’ve got a delicious meal. For gift giving purposes you can find a package deal that will include the best lobster and top of the line filet mignon.

8. Chocolate Shaped Seafood


Maybe you can’t shell out the money for a lobster dinner to that special someone. You can still pay homage to their love of all things seafood with some high quality chocolate formed into the shape of a lobster, oyster or crab.

7. Kettle


Maybe that seafood junkee in your life already has enough fish and lobster and whatever else to last them for the next year and a half. Do they have the right equipment to cook it all up? You can never go wrong with getting them a great big seafood kettle or cookpot that will allow them to prepare their crab or lobster just right.

6. Crab Cake Ingredients

Crab Cake ingredients

Any seafood lover worth their salt is going to have a long lasting love affair with a good crab cake. You can help that affair along by providing them the crab meat, the mix in order to make their tasty treats or ready-to-cook gourmet crab cakes.

5. Sauce and Condiments

chutney for fish

Another way that gift giving can go if you have a seafood eater in your gift list is by giving them things they can put on their food. Get someone some really top notch chutneys or spices they can use for cooking, or simply to top the food off.

4. Soups or Soup Mix

Soups or Soup Mix

The true seafood lover isn’t going to be someone who only chows down on crab legs or salmon steaks. The true connoisseur is going to love soups and bisques as well. Send them the best you can find and you will have yourself a happy recipient.

3. Utensils


Just like giving someone the pot to cook the food can be a great gift, giving them a crab mallet or the special utensils used to cook and eat is a way to show that you know they have a special place in their heart for the chicken of the sea and his friends.

2. Gift Baskets

salmon gift basket

When you go with a gift basket you can get the best of all worlds, from smoked salmon to sweet treats. You can give them a little bit of everything, all wrapped up in a nice picnic basket. All they need to do is bring the picnic blanket and pick the spot.

1. Gift Certificates

If you really want to reward that person who loves seafood then you can give them a gift that will allow them to pick out their own favorite foods. A gift certificate for a website or restaurant that sells seafood might just be the best gift of all.

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