Teaching yourself needlecrafts can be a fun and rewarding experience

Teaching yourself needlecrafts can be a fun and rewarding experience

Have you ever seen someone wearing a beautiful scarf, asked where they bought it, and learned that they knit it? Perhaps you’ve seen a lovely, framed cross stitch pattern in someone’s home, and wondered if it was handmade. Whatever the case, needlecrafts are a popular craft for good reason, and though they may look intimidating, you can definitely teach yourself needlecrafts. Making these beautiful pieces is easier than you think, and a whole lot of fun.

What are needlecrafts and how can I learn them?

Broadly speaking, needlecrafts are any craft that uses a needle to create. Knitting, cross stitch, sewing, embroidery, and quilting are some examples. Some people expand the needlecraft category to include things such as crocheting (it uses a hook) and shuttle tatting.

Needlecrafts have been around for quite a long time. In previous times, needlecrafts were often more of a necessity. Sweaters had to be knit to keep warm, and quilts had to be sewn by hand. But that’s not the case today. We’re lucky to live in a time where we can practice these arts for fun, using modern needlecrafting materials.

No time for a class? Not to worry. It is entirely possible to teach yourself needlecrafts without ever having to attend a class. From the comfort of your home, you can easily open the door to a whole new world of crafting.


Go online

If you have access to the Internet, you’re already in business. A simple web search can lead you to many websites full of pictures and information about getting started, including all the required materials needed and patterns to follow.

Prefer a moving demonstration? You’re covered. Video websites such as YouTube offer a wide array of videos, showing step-by-step instruction. It’s like having your own instructor in your home, and you can play the video as many times as you need to. No worry about asking too many questions!

Grab a book

If the Internet and videos aren’t your thing, you can always rely on books. Your local library or bookstore will likely have a section of craft books. These are usually included in the art section, and there are a number of books available with diagrams, pictures, and written instructions to get your craft going.

Enjoy the process

You know the old saying, practice makes perfect?  Well, it holds true here as well. Many of us don’t excel at a needlecraft right away, and require practice to fine-tune our skills. That is perfectly fine. While this may or may not be true for you, remember to enjoy the process.

Learning a new craft is a fun experience. Choosing your supplies and color palette is exciting. If you make a mistake, don’t sweat it. We all do. Just keep going and remember all the gorgeous things you’ll soon be making. After you’ve practiced your craft for a while, look back and see how far you’ve come.  It’s a wonderful feeling.

Added benefits of learning a new craft

In addition to the enjoyment of creating your own pieces, learning a needlecraft has other benefits.

Taking time out of an otherwise busy schedule to slow down, and work with your hands can offer a moment of relaxation. Pausing to do a few rows of knitting or stitch a quilt square, for example, can be just the breather you need. Try treating craft time as personal, stress-free time.

Another benefit of learning a craft is being able to give handmade gifts. It’s often been said that people enjoy handmade gifts more than store-bought ones. Nothing shows thoughtfulness like crafting something beautiful for a loved one.

So as you can see, teaching yourself needlecrafts is not only possible but enjoyable.  Watching your skills improve, giving thoughtful gifts, experimenting with color choices or patterns to create a one-of-a-kind item – needlecrafting is fun and rewarding. Go forth and create!



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