things that are good for youby Info Guru Terri Wallace

With all the vitamins, supplements, must-have, cure-alls available, it can be hard to know what superfood or miracle cure of the week is worth investing your time, energy, and hard-earned cash.

Instead of breaking the bank with another no-health, all-hype product, try one these simple things that are really good for you.

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C

With cold and flu season just around the corner, it is the perfect time to stock up on Vitamin C to help ward off what ails you (or to try and strengthen your immune system against whatever ails your friends and co-workers). Make sure that your multivitamin has a healthy dose of vitamin C, and grab some fresh orange juice to give yourself an extra boost.

9. Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Research shows that Vitamin D can help protect against osteoporosis, hypertension, some autoimmune diseases—even cancer! Unfortunately, many individuals have insufficient levels of this vital vitamin. Check with your health care practitioner to see if you might benefit from a vitamin D supplement.

8. Meditation


In an age where we can get movies on-demand, send instant messages, and we are constantly “on,” it can be good to carve out some time for quiet reflection. Meditation has been shown to help ease blood pressure, improve memory, and help with insomnia.

7. Pets

Pets provide companionship, a sense of being needed and valued, and (best of all!) unconditional love. Depending on the type of pet you choose, they can also provide protection. Spending time petting your pooch has also been shown to lower blood pressure. Not only is pet ownership cheaper than medication, but there are no side effects (except possibly a few stray hairs, if your pet is the shedding type).

6. Fresh Air

Fresh Air

With work, and chores, and errands, and the kids’ extracurricular events, sometimes it seems that the only time we stop and take a breath of fresh air is as we dash from home to work, or from work to the grocery store. Taking a few deep and deliberate breaths of fresh air can clear your head and provide a much needed break from your hectic schedule.

5. Sunlight


Sometimes it seems that the world is divided into two factions: those who bask in the sun and those who never see the light of day. Truth be told, it can be easy to stay in the shadows—work, school, grocery shopping, and errand running can mean that the only rays we soak up are those that reach us as we dash from one appointment to another. Make sure to get fifteen minutes of sun each day to help avoid low vitamin D, to ward of Seasonal Affective Disorder, and to help with your general sense of well-being.

4. Companionship


One benefit of modern technology is that it has made it easier than ever to stay connected. A sense of companionship and a strong support system make it easier to weather troubled times. So use the power of the internet for good, and reach out to friends and family.

3. Unplugging


A little of a good thing is, well, a good thing; too much of a good thing can cause chaos. This is especially true in this Age of Digital Everything. It is not uncommon for people in the same house to text one another rather than to walk into the next room for a face to face conversation. Stop the madness. Make time for real life, not just the virtual life of social media and on-demand movies. Carve out some unplugged time—even if it is just a few hours each day, or one day a week. Turn off your phone, unplug the electronics, and ignore your email. You might be surprised at the amazing possibilities that real life has to offer.

2. Tea


Many believe that tea is the perfect restorative. It can bolster energy, calm your nerves, and offer solace in times of distress. Sure, some of that can be attributed to the antioxidants, but perhaps part of it is the time ritual involved in brewing the perfect cup of tea—you are forced to slow down, to focus, and to indulge.

1. Chocolate


And, speaking of indulgence, perhaps one of the tastiest things that are actually good for you is chocolate! Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids which act as an antioxidant. So, indulge in a piece (or maybe two—just to be extra healthy).

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