pool party Contributed by Info Guru Terri Wallace

When the summer sun blazes, the cool water of the swimming pool beckons.

For those fortunate enough to have a pool, summer is a time to be merciful and invite those less-blessed to your home for some relief from the heat. But, before your big bash, consider some of these tips to for a perfect pool party:

10. Bring Sunscreen

Wear Sunscreen

Whether you are fair skinned or a bronze goddess, you still need to take steps to keep your skin safe. Provide sun screens for your guests so that they will take away sweet memories of your hospitality—not a blistering sunburn. Make sure to apply the sunscreen liberally and often.

9. Keep Hydrated

Keep Hydrated

Sweet summer drinks to keep your guests hydrated is an essential part of a pool party. Make sure to have plenty of juice and soda for the younger revelers, and consider a few pool side cocktails as an adult refreshment — and stock your freezer and ice chest with plenty of ice!

8. It’s in the Bag!

 It's in the Bag!

Another sure fire way to make your party perfect is to provide some swag for your guests. A small reusable tote, filled with sample sizes of sunscreen, lip balm, and sunglasses makes a perfect beach bag!

7. Don’t Let ‘Em Bug You!

Don't Let 'Em Bug You!

When you throw a party, insects often add themselves to the guest list. Citronella candles, mosquito repellant spray and foggers, and even electronic deterrents will help keep bugs from crashing your party. Garlic is also a natural bug repellant, so make sure to include a garlicky salsa as part of your pool side feast—just make sure to keep bowls of mints around as well!

6. Time to Get Misty

Time to Get Misty

The summer heat can keep your party from really sizzling. Keep the festivities going, despite the rising mercury, with the help of a misting fan. These outdoor safe fans emit a gentle mist to cool the air and bring relief from the summer heat—they make even the hottest of days bearable.

5. Cover Up

cover up

Whether you want a cover up to keep away the evening chill once the sun sets, or to add a bit more sizzle to your super-hot swim suit, a cover up adds a splash of color and drama to your summertime wardrobe.

4. Shine a Little Light


The party doesn’t end just because the sun sets. Make sure to decorate your poolside with plenty of outdoor lighting to make sure that the revelry continues well into the night. String up multiple strands of LED lights, highlight pathways with solar lights, and invest in a few Tiki torches to add light and drama to the pool side activities.

3. Bonfire


A bonfire ablaze in a fire pit adds ambiance, warmth, and a convenient way to roast marshmallows and wieners. Party-goers will congregate to the bonfire to dry their swim soaked hair and sip a glass of wine as the last embers fade with the night.

2. Set the Mood

Set the Mood

No party is complete without music—and music with a light show is sure to make your party memorable. The lights pulse and sway in time with your favorite songs of summer and bring the atmosphere of a club to your poolside.

1. Whatever Suits You

 Whatever Suits You

It going to become your summertime uniform, your go-to piece of clothing, the lure with which you will see if there really are other fish in the sea: your swimsuit. Whether you want a one-piece suit or a bikini (or one of each!), make sure to pick a swimsuit that can withstand the rigors of summer time leisure.

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