Contributed by Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

Remember your first Barbie doll?

How wide her eyes and how shiny her hair was. No matter what outfit you squeezed her into she looked stunning. Through her young girls imagined the world as a place of adventures they would surely have as grown women from riding horses on a prairie and launching into space, to making a dream house feel like home.

These top ten Barbies through the years have inspired girls for decades.

10. Single

single Barbie

As of 2004, when she and Ken ended their 43-year long relationship, this girl is single and ready to mingle. The breakup coincided with the Cali girl entering the scene, showing off her legs and tan with board shorts and a bikini tops.

9. Native American

Native American Barbie

The Native American gal came out in 1995 and brought more diversity to the collection. Her long dark hair comes in two braids with a head band and long white feather. Her long pink dress has stylish fringe and a belt. Other cultural Barbies included Indian, Peruvian, Korean, Russian and more.

8. Rock Girl

rock girl Barbie

As a rock star, she puts her signature on 80s glam with pink boots and even pinker tights. An over-sized purple bow holds back her classic big hair so we can appreciate the purple eye shadow and shiny white tunic under a hot pink blazer. She comes ready to rock with microphone in hand. The Barbie Pop Collection boasts TV and movie stars, as well as models and designers.

7. Straight from The Hunger Games

Hunger Games

The Katniss Everdeen doll is so new many people haven’t even met her yet. If you loved The Hunger Games books and movie, you’ll appreciate the details from the side braid and arrows down to the utilitarian pants and jacket designed by Cinna. The girl who played with fire is a strong, brave role model for girls old enough to read the stories.

6. Working Girl

working girl

In 1960, one year after making her debut, she already had a job as a fashion designer. If the first gal looked ready for the runway, this one was dressed for success behind the scenes. She’s holding her portfolio of high fashions and sporting the kind of tailored women’s suit many wore when chasing their dreams in the big cities.

5. Cowgirl


Cowgirl was one of the more timeless dolls from the 1980s. Her fashion said more about her laid-back lifestyle on the ranch than the culture of any one decade. Her legs bend so she can sit on her favorite horse. Outfit included fringed suede pants and a cowboy hat. Later, she’d join the rodeo and sport sparkly white and silver riding garb.

4. Malibu

Malibu Barbie

Looking at Barbies through the years shows how she reflects cultural changes over the years, according to Time Magazine. The Sunset Malibu girl is a California girl with eyes facing forward and an easy smile. Her makeup has a more natural look with peach lipstick and light blush. She had a golden tan, aqua suit and even her own theme song.

3. The Original

original Barbie

The very first Barbie appeared on the scene in 1959. Girls could choose either a blonde or dark brunette one. Their eyes look off to the side in a curious beneath sharply raised eye brows, demure way, and her hair his pulled up in a pony tail with curled bangs in the front. Perhaps the most iconic element of all is that black and white bathing suit. The original girl re-appeared in ’94 for the 35th anniversary complete with her gold hoop earrings.

2. Presidential Hopeful

Presidential hopeful

Of all the Barbies through the years, this one predicts a future many women would love to make come to fruition. Lookout, men, she’s a woman of influence who already ran for highest office in 1992, 2000 and 2004. This charismatic lady wraps voters around her fingers because they can relate to her. After all, she’s had over 100 successful careers. Why shouldn’t she be president?

1. Space Girls

astronaut Barbie

Neil Armstrong may not have noticed the tiny footprints when he took her first small step on the moon left over from 1965, but they were there. Our ladies not only beat the boys by four years, they landed on the moon looking fabulous and ready to play with generations of young explorers. Zero gravity agreed with them.

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