Contributed by Jennifer Andrews, Top 10 Guru

Television features thousands of shows of different genres that will appeal to your specific interests.

In addition to comedy, romance, soap-operas and talk-shows however, some of the best television shows are mystery shows that also feature drama, crime and action. Check out the following top 10 list of the best mystery shows from this decade and former years to find a new or old favorite to add to your TV viewing time.

10. Dexter

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

This modern-day series debuted in 2006 and features a forensics expert who also serves as a serial killer to criminals not penalized by the legal system. He’s the vigilante no one can really hate.

9. The X Files

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson star as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully who investigate paranormal activity in one of the best mystery series televised during the 1990s. The X-Files boasted legions of devoted followers who believed “The Truth is Out There.”

8. The Twilight Zone

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

One of the well-known, best mystery series of its generation, The Twilight Zone featured average people who found themselves in a number of supernatural and frightening situations.

7. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

Based on the popular book series, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” has gone on to become a box-office hit at the movies as well. But there are also several versions on TV, including “Elementary” and BBC’s “Sherlock” (my all time favorite version!) Look for past episodes on Internet streaming sites, or indulge in a boxed set for anytime viewing. And yes, “Sherlock” is THAT good.

6. Homeland

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

The 2011 debut of this series has gained critical acclaim and centers around a CIA officer suspicious of a returned war Marine Sergeant’s motives, and suspects he may have “turned” in his time away. This is part mystery, part hold-your-breath thriller. A must watch for fans of espionage books.

5. The Wire

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

The 2002 debut of The Wire is one the best mystery shows of this decade – and among other decades. Located in Baltimore, this series details the drug scene as dealt with by both law officials and drug dealers. The two sided approach makes this series stand out from the standard police procedural drama.

4. Twin Peaks

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

A popular mystery series of the 1990’s, Twin Peaks is the town of the self-titled hit show which centers on the FBI’s investigations of murder. Don’t watch this expecting an ordinary television mystery show. There are plot twists and stories that fold back on themselves…all mixed with some of the most creative, wry humor I’ve ever seen in a drama. Pay attention closely when you’re watching Twin Peaks…a bit of daydreaming and you could miss a critical detail.

3. House

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

British actor Hugh Laurie heads up the award winning mystery series House as a misfit but brilliant medical doctor. Here the mysteries aren’t about crimes, but about the nearly impossible to diagnose diseases and other ailments that affect House’s patients. Tense medical drama mixed with sarcastic humor and insightful commentary on the state of medical care in the U.S.

2. Get Smart

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

One of the best mystery series from the past, Get Smart features the zany relationship between incompetent Agent Maxwell Smart and his much smarter colleague Agent 99. It’s a 1960’s classic that will make you want to don go-go boots and a paisley print dress. A more recent movie remake missed the mark and didn’t capture the bizzare feel of the original sit-com.

1. Lost

A list of the top ten best mystery shows

This mystery series combine thrills, drama and adventure into each science-fiction packed episode that will leave you wondering what happens next – and why. Set on a tropical island (but really filmed indoors in Hawaii!), Lost is one of those shows that pulls you in episode after episode with clues, red herrings and cliff hangers.

There are hundreds of mystery and crime TV shows out there. Do some digging around (although NOT if there are dead bodies involved!), and you’re sure to find a few that keep you glued to the screen.

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