A list of the top ten chocolates and confectionsContributed by Tim Brugger, Catalogs.com Top 10 Guru

Sure, the holidays bring out the best in chocolates and other treats, but some of us enjoy them year-round.

No sense wasting such a good thing on only one month a year. Though, it must be said that confectionary delights do seem to taste just a tad better when folks are in a festive mood.

Whenever you choose to indulge, try a few of these top ten chocolates and confections.

10. Custard Tarts

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

These things are scary. They remind me of those foo-foo drinks that go down altogether too easily, resulting in sometimes unimaginable pain the next morning. Custard tarts, with raspberries, blueberries or whatever your fruit du jour are just too darn easy to eat; and eat; and eat.

9. Seven Layer Bars

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

For the coconut fanatic, I humbly present the seven layer bars. Never has so much taste been found in such a simple to make treat. Loaded with chocolate, nuts, the aforementioned flaked coconut and some dried fruit make this one a no-brainer for our Top 10 list. And similar to item #6, the dried fruit give the illusion of health; at least for those of us willing and able to rationalize such a thing.

8. Peanut Butter Streusel

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

Streusel in and of itself is one of the all-time great chocolates and confections. Tossing some peanuts and peanut butter into the mix takes it up another notch. Certainly not for everyone; there are peanut butter haters out there. But for those of us who love nothing more than dipping an empty spoon into a jar of peanut butter and going to town, this one’s for you.

7. Rugalach

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

These are often filled with cream cheese, apricots or whatever your little chocolates and confections heart desires. If you haven’t tried one of these easy to eat goodies, you’re in for a treat. And they’re the perfect bite-sized confection too, once again making them way to easy to overdo. But hey, we’re not in this for the health of it; this is about full on decadence.

6. Baby Citrus Cheesecakes

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

I’m not certain, but I’m pretty sure these would make a delicious breakfast alternative; what with the citrus and all. Sort of like a bowl of fruit in the morning, only better. They’re as easy to make as they are delicious too. Add some orange and lemon peel to your favorite cheesecake recipe; plop it down on top of a vanilla wafer, and breakfast is served.

5. Toffee

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

Truly one of the all-timers, eating toffee candy is the most fun you’ll ever have getting hard, crunchy candy like objects wedged between your teeth. The time it takes to cleanse your bicuspids after a toffee sitting are some of the most enjoyable 20 minutes you’ll ever spend. Like so many top drawer chocolates and confections, there are options. Personally, I love the nut dusting, but a good coating of chocolate will do just as well.

4. Chocolate Covered Cherries

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

The options are virtually limitless, but there’s just something about a cherry coated in either dark or white chocolate that is almost criminal. Some prefer other berries or fruit under the chocolate cover, and that’s fine; no harm, no foul. But a candied cherry? That’s going to be a tough one to beat.

3. Caramel Heavenlies

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

You don’t need to be a religious person to recognize heaven on earth, particularly when it’s draped in caramel, marshmallows and coconut. A few shaved almonds adorning the top of this other-worldly treat is the perfect final touch. If you intend on giving these a shot, don’t forget the graham crackers; they form the basis for confectionary wonder. As if they weren’t good enough already.

2. Fudge

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

If you can tell a person by the fudge they eat, I’m a pretty simple guy. Chop up some walnuts, drop ‘em into a bowl of fudge and I’m ready to go. For the adventuresome sorts, one of the reasons this is one of the great chocolates and confections is the variety. Toss in some peppermint, almonds or even white chocolate and you have a whole new ball game.

1. Truffles

A list of the top ten chocolates and confections

I’m pretty sure I gain several pounds just looking at a box of chocolate truffles, and I’m okay with that. White chocolate, dark chocolate, gooey centers, it doesn’t really matter. Just don’t leave me alone with them if you plan on saving some for later. Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

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