Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids RoomsContributed by Cindi Pearce, Top 10 Guru

Unless your child is too young to throw in his two cents, ask your child what colors he likes and what color scheme he would like used in his bedroom.

Involve him in the process. Of course, if his “preferences” are off the chart and hideous, use some parent ingenuity to sway him away from grotesquery and toward a more palatable combination of colors.

The top 10 color schemes for kid’s rooms are:

10. Personalize it

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

Allow your child to devise his own color scheme. Buy him a color wheel and explain primary colors, as well as complementary colors, which places together two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. Blue and orange are an example of complementary colors. Tell him about split complementary colors where you use two colors that are on each side of a main color. If your child is dead set on purple show him the colors on both sides of purple, explaining that these are split complementary colors and can be incorporated into his room. You can use purple with pink or purple and yellow. A little girl might love a lilac or lavender room that features green and yellow accents. You can use the color of his choice, but you can also tone it down by utilizing split complementary shades, which adds visual interest and some depth and definition to the room. This is a good opportunity to teach your child about color, tints, shades, tones, warm colors versus cool colors and the impact that color has on comfort and emotion.

9. Monochromatic

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

Go monochromatic, although this may not be very dramatic. This is a subtle look and is good if your child using his room primarily for sleeping and not playing. To achieve a monochromatic look, use one color and vary its value and intensity.

8. Vibrant

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

If your child likes rich, vibrant colors go with a complementary color scheme. Combine green and red, although you have to be careful not to use each of these colors in big doses or the room is going to end up looking like a Christmas tree. Paint the walls red and accessorize, within reason, using green in linens, floor coverings and wall art. Alternatively, you can paint the walls orange and use blue touches throughout the room.

7. Black and white

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

Black and white is a complementary color scheme which can be spiced up with reds, oranges or most any choice of color because they all go well with black and white. Black and white is daring, dramatic and rather audacious so it’s probably better for older children.

6. Primary colors

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

Consider using primary colors. Red, blue and yellow are the three primary colors, which means you can’t create these colors by mixing other colors. If your child is a boy, he may be particularly drawn to primary colors because they’re bright and strong. You can use whites and any neutral colors with the primary colors.

5. Black

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

If your “older” child wants a black room steer her away from an all black room that will appear dungeon-like and can be depressing. And heaven only knows a parent doesn’t want to throw another wrench in the psyche of an already overly wrought teen. However, you can use black decorating accents quite effectively. Black lacquer on furniture is sharp looking and dramatic. Incorporate black sheets and pillows into the scheme while keeping the walls a lighter shade. Colors that look smashing in combination with black, and which your picky teen might agree to include lime green, ice blue and bold pinks.

4. Secondary colors

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

Another option for a great looking kid’s room is achieved by using secondary colors. A secondary color is made by mixing two primary colors together. For example, if you mix yellow and red together you get orange. There are three secondary colors, including purple, orange and green.

3. Analogous colors

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

Go with one color for an analogous color scheme. If your daughter likes green use the colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Analogous colors are neighboring colors on the color wheel that are closely related. Another way to describe analogous colors is those three or four colors that touch on the color wheel. If you use this palette to avoid monotony and lack of effect toss in some neighboring colors in your accessories. Green is next to a blue-green and a yellowish-green. Use these colors to spice it up. You alter the tint of the color by adding white to the paint, which lightens a color. If you want the color to be darker, add some black and this creates a darker shade. If you want the paint to be a different tone add gray. Analogous colors create a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere, and most people find this color theme pleasing and harmonious. Nature is rich with analogous colors. If your child wants a restful retreat this may be the route to go.

2. Tertiary colors

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

When you mix a combination of three primary and secondary colors you get a tertiary color, such as blue-purple, yellow-green, red-orange, yellow-orange or blue-purple. If your child likes red and orange look at the color wheel, and you will find the tertiary color of red-orange in between red and orange. The tertiary color is found between the primary color (red) and the secondary color (orange.)

1. Triad of colors

Top 10 Color Schemes for Kids Rooms

If your child wants a festive room where he can play and entertain his friends and feel energized use triad colors. An example of this is red, blue and yellow, which are the three primary colors. Another example of a triad combination is blue-green with red-purple and orange-yellow. Another is green, orange and purple. Obviously, these are bright color combinations so you have to be careful how much you use of each color because the outcome could be overwhelming if you use too much of each hue.

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