dog namesMy cousin’s name is Max. The poor little guy has the same name as half the dogs and cats in his neighborhood. Not that Max isn’t a cool name, it is. We like it so much in the United States and the United Kingdom that it’s been the most popular pet name for several years now.

Max continues to dominate the list of the top 10 dog names for the fifth year in a row according to a 2007 Veterinary Pet Insurance poll of 450,000 clients. The name Max is moving up the ranks in human names as well.

Pulling Dog Names from Baby Books

Even when we’re not naming our dogs Max, there’s an increasing trend to adorn our canine babies with the same names we’re christening our human children. The top 10 dog names list and our list of favorite baby names are starting to look similar.

Top 10 Dog Names for 2008

1. Max

2. Molly

3. Buddy

4. Bella (Isabella ranks fourth in the top children’s names according to the Social Security Administration)

5. Lucy

6. Maggie

7. Daisy

8. Jake

9. Bailey

10. Rocky

Six Degrees to Max

I have to say I love the name Max and I’m glad it’s my cousin’s name. But Max has a friend named Bella, who has a dog named Lucy and a cat named Rocky. Rocky is the name of my electrician whose dad is named Buddy, which is also the name of my neighbor’s black Lab. I wish I was making this up. Now if my friend’s daughter Molly buys a dog named Jake, then the circle of life will be complete. Pet and human names are merging because our pets nowadays are too important to us to be given such old-fashioned and decidedly dog-like names. Most people tend to view their furry friends as close companions. The American Pet Products Manufacturing Association says that 74 percent of households actually see their pets as members of their families. This is most likely due to the changing dynamics of our culture, families and home lives.

Gone Are the Days of Fluffy and Fido

In days gone by families were closer to each other and dogs were dogs. Their names were Spot or Smokey and they didn’t have their own wardrobes and doggie day cares. They certainly didn’t have filtered water dishes or Doggles with UV protection, but I view these as safety necessities. For some it feels as if their pets take care of them as much as they take care of their pets. And if our canine pals are not really emotionally attached to us, then they put on a good act. Yes, the good acts might be so we’ll give them food, but we don’t care. They seem happy to be around us, and that’s what’s important. The trend in today’s culture of naming them as we do people shows our significant appreciation for them as companions.

Call the Paparazzi: Here Come Snoop Dogg – Bad Puppy

Another trend that reflects their new elevated status is naming them after celebrities like Posh and Elvis. We’ll have to see where the celebrity name trend goes. No doubt we’ll reach beyond Rocky, Rambo and Tinkerbell. Although the top 10 dog names list doesn’t reflect this, there’s always the strategy of waiting until you know your dog’s personality before naming it. Of course, yelling out Bad Puppy, or Trouble probably won’t sound too good when you’re with your furry family member in the park. But I must say, I’d name my Golden Retriever Hyper over Lance or Madison any day.

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