first day of schoolContributed by Info Guru Jennifer Andrews

The first day of school can bring up a whole host of emotions for children and parents.

Children entering kindergarten may be shy, curious or scared about what school involves and what they have to do. Parents may also be excited for the big school day but also simultaneously sad at seeing their little babies all grown up and ready to be left on their own. The first day of school is also a major event for children, teenagers and even young adults of any age. After a summer spent socializing and having fun, starting school again can bring up excitement over seeing friends again or even mixed emotions of hitting the books again. In addition to kids, teachers also experience first day of school nerves, jitters, excitements and fears over the impending school year and expectations. No matter your age or school year, there are plenty of ways to make the first day of school a fun, interesting and positive experience versus a worrisome, fearful event.

Check out the following top ten first day of school ideas and be on your way to a happy new school year today!

10. Cute outfit


Get psyched for the first day of school by dressing up in a cute new outfit! Purchase new stylish duds at the store or save money by looking through your closet for clothing items you rarely wear but look good as new. Avoid expensive or overly trendy clothing pieces and opt instead for a casual look that suits your personality – and your budget.

9. Friends


Among the top first day of school ideas to take to heart is that of making friends. The friends you make on your first school day may be friends that stay with you for the rest of your life. Furthermore, having a friend close-by can help ease first-day jitters or avoid getting lost in the crowd.

8. Lunch bag

lunch bag

Pack a lunch to take to school with you the night before classes start or the morning of if you have time to spare, and use a trendy eco-friendly lunchbag. Avoid hitting long line-ups in the school cafeteria and sit down to a healthy, energizing snack and light lunch filled with a balance of carbs, protein and healthy fats for a healthy and happy you.

7. Essential tools

school supplies

Hit the first day of school running by stocking up on essential school tools before you start classes. School items to be sure you have include notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, a stapler, highlighters and binders to store notes and loose papers.

6. Healthy breakfast

 Healthy breakfast

Eat a healthy breakfast the first day of school to kick-start your metabolism and keep energy levels up for a long day of learning. Breakfast skippers tend to get tired more quickly, are less alert and, according to Science Daily, tend to weigh more than morning eaters. Yummy morning meals included oatmeal with berries and nuts, whole-grain toast with peanut butter or scrambled eggs with sautéed veggies.

5. Positive thoughts

stay positive

Thinking positively can help you get through any situation that may be nerve-wracking, intimidating or as unsuspecting – as school often is for many children nation-wide. Forget your fears by repeating positive mantras over and over in your head all day long such as “I am confident. I am smart. I am beautiful.”

4. Set the alarm

Don’t be late for your first day of school! Avoid sleeping in and missing the bus by setting the alarm clock about 15 minutes earlier than you normally would to account for any last-minute snoozes. Furthermore, allow enough time for showering, eating breakfast and walking to the bus-stop before your first class.

3. Offer help

offer help

Always be sure to help others around you that are struggling on their first day of school. This may include people who are lost in hallways, can’t find their way to a certain class, or are unable to find the school cafeteria. Furthermore, never bully! Bullying is not acceptable and only serves to degrade and humiliate people. Be accepting, kind and loving towards all people and treat others how you wish to be treated.

2. Organize


Planning ahead is one of the top first day of school ideas as it helps you stay organized and on top of school-related tasks. Keep track of your subjects, time-table and homework list in a day planner or weekly calendar to decrease stress levels and keep you on top of things.

1. Goals


To ensure a productive and successful school year, be sure to set goals from the very beginning of the scholastic year. Setting goals can help clarify exactly what you hope and plan to achieve during the school year such as aiming for A’s in your favorite subjects, spending an extra hour a week on subjects you find more difficult or aiming to learn a new musical instrument or second language for simple communicative needs.

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