A list of the top ten kids spring break activitiesContributed by Rosemary O’Brien, Catalogs.com Top 10 Guru

Spring Break can be lots of fun or really boring for kids.

To make it a fun week they will remember for a while, try doing things a little differently this time. Here are a few kids spring break activities you and your kids can enjoy together.

My top ten kids spring break activities:

10. Hit the road

Spring Break is the best time for road trips and getaways, and you can work with an expert trip planning company to plan fun things to do with your family. Plan a trip to England, stay domestic, and plan to attend a baseball game your favorite team is playing across the country, or set out for a national historic site. It’s up to you. Whatever your family enjoys, there is a trip to take advantage of it.

9. Go to the park

Packing a picnic for the park is a top spring break activity

Have a picnic! I used to gather up my son, hit the nearest Italian deli and head to the town green for a picnic when he was little. You can buy sandwiches, pick up a pizza, or make your own lunch or dinner. There are many cookbooks that help you create interesting picnic fare if you are out of ideas. Try packing a simple roast chicken, add some cheese, fruit and a beverage and you are all set for a relaxing meal outdoors.

8. Lights, camera, action!

Going to the movies is a top kids spring break activity

Make your living room into a cinema by holding your own movie screening. Rent a whole pile of wholesome movies appropriate for the entire family. Pick up a copy of the Beverly Hillbillies episodes and show the kids how much they can enjoy something besides Sponge Bob. Oh and don’t forget to add some yummy popcorn!

7. Feel the sand between your toes

Go beachcombing for a great kids spring break activity

It doesn’t have to be summer to enjoy your local beach. Pick up a metal detector and comb the sand for other people’s lost valuables. A forgotten watch or a ring that washed ashore can end up being a real find.

6. Go fly a kite

Kite flying is one of the top ten kids spring break activities

This one combines skill and exercise. Flying a kite is fun for any age, but tie-dyed kites make it just a little different. It’s almost like a flying shirt on a string with all of the colors swirling across its surface. Have races to see who can get their flying t-shirt up in the air the quickest.

5. Punch and Judy never had it so good!

Setting up a puppet theater is one of the top ten kids spring break activities

If you are stuck inside on a rainy day, a fun kids spring break activity is to put on a show. Come up with a story and then perform it with a puppet performance theater. The stage is all ready for your imagination to fill with stories.

4. Teach your kids to garden

Teaching kids to garden is one of the top ten kids spring break activities

Little kids are the most receptive to learning new ideas, so while you have their attention, teach them how to grow vegetables. A garden composter will create soil from your table scraps and is a fascinating lesson in eco-friendly living. Anything organic goes into it and comes out as a rich, black compound ready to spread turn around and feed your plants.

3. Make a sweater

Knitting a sweater is one of the top ten spring break activities for kids

Another idea is to learn something new together. Learn to knit with your child, even if you have never knitted anything. It is an inexpensive hobby that can be easily learned as long as your child has good hand-eye coordination. Grab a book from the library if you don’t know how to knit or pass your knowledge down to your child. This is a skill that is enjoyed by both boys and girls. If they find they don’t like to knit, try another needle craft such as crocheting. Hey, everyone needs socks and scarves!

2. For the birds

Birdwatching is one of the top ten kids spring break activities

Go to a park or into your backyard and search for birds. There are any number of books about birds in your local library. Add a bird feeder or a birdbath to attract those feathery critters from near and far. A backyard birdbath gives the birds a place to stop and take a break giving you a chance to check them out. Spend some time identifying birds with your kids or make a list of the ones you like the best.

1. Have a party

Throwing a party is one of the top ten kids spring break ideas

Invite your children’s friends to a bowling party or a pool party if you live in a warm climate. Grab some party supplies, party favors and decorations and make it a real celebration. You don’t even have to have a reason other than it’s spring! Many bowling alleys have special hours during spring break for just this reason. Grab a big group or just a few kids, then go bowling.

As you can see by these ideas, kids Spring Break activities do not have to be involved. Plan a trip, a party or teach them something new. All of it will be fun if you make it fun. Make it educational and you can kills two birds with one stone. (No offense to the birds splashing around your birdbath.)

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