kitchen cleaning tipsContributed by Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it sure gets messy.

The more heart you have – cooking with friends and family – the more stains and grime that can build up over time. Cleaning as you go is somewhat easier said than done: who wants to scrub after making and enjoying a meal, especially if there’s wine and/or good conversation involved? But there are a number of simple ways to keep things sparkling no matter how often they’re used.

These top ten kitchen cleaning tips will keep the dust bugs and grime from building up.

10. Homemade Cleaners

homemade cleaners

The smell of kitchen cleaners can be overwhelming. If people are on their way over, or you simply don’t feel like breathing it in, you have a ready-made excuse to not clean a spec. Homemade cleaners are affordable, good for the environment and effective. Simply make a paste with baking soda and water, and use on backsplashes, ovens, sink drains. On tile floors, apply with a microfiber mop applicator.

9. Wall Splatter Kryptonite

wall splatter

Remove wall splatters the day they occur; otherwise you may not notice them again until a certain perceptive relative stops by. Waterborne stains from condiments or drinks will come off with damp cloth of towel. Oil-based stains like cooking oil are no match for a mild dish soap and water.

8. Stovetop stains

stovetop stains

Stovetop stains are easy come easy go when you take a tip from TLC and sprinkle salt on them first. The salt absorbs the grossness, plus it’s an abrasive so it’ll help you scrub off the remaining stain without damaging the stove surface.

7. Microwaves


Microwave cleanliness suffers from the whole out of sight, out of mind notion that many people subscribe to. We heat up our food, hear the mild read sauce explosions, and promptly forget about them because it’s time to eat. Get rid of nasty buildup with a 1:4 solution of vinegar and water, a natural cleaning solution.

6. Cutting Boards

cutting boards

No matter how hard you scrub them, over time cutting boards can hold onto certain stains. Remove stains and bacteria by cutting open a lemon and rubbing it on the surface. This kitchen cleaning tip will also help remove lingering odors.

5. Pots and other Cookware

pots and cookware

Roasting pans, large soup pots and other handy cookware rarely fit in the dishwasher. Soaking them overnight with hot water and soap works, but it only removes the outer layer of food. Instead, fill it with boiling water and a few pinches of salt and cover. The steam helps loosen baked-on food around the inside edges. Wait until the water is cool (at least 7-10 minutes) then scrub.

4. Daily Counter Cleaning

daily counter cleaning

Counters are a breeze to clean when you make it a part of the daily routine. Dip a natural fiber sponge in undiluted vinegar and wipe them down. You can also use baking soda and water if you run into a few stubborn spots.

3. Tea Pots and Coffee Mugs

tea pots and mugs

Take a peek inside your tea pot. If you see deposits or rust spots, a simple way to remove them is by boiling water with baking soda and a slice of lemon. Remove stains from your coffee maker and mugs with a little baking soda or salt, then rinse thoroughly. The salt absorbs and helps take off stains, while baking soda is an angel at removing odors that can affect flavor.

2. Trash Cans

trash cans

Even though the kitchen trash can is lined with a plastic garbage bag, it still has a way of holding onto odors and food remnants. Sprinkle in baking soda when you change the trash bag, and turn the can upside down and hose out the inside every few weeks.

1. Speed-Clean

speed clean

Store microfiber polishing pads and other go-to cleaning supplies within easy reach so you can quickly grab and wipe when the mood strikes. If everything is packed away in a cleaning closet, you’re more likely to procrastinate until all these little kitchen cleaning tips buildup like the grime that won’t be ignored.

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