One of the top ten mistakes everyone makesContributed by Jennifer Andrews, Top 10 Guru

Despite our best intentions, mistakes are an inevitable part of life.

Although mistakes are often viewed in a negative light, it is important to recognize the positive side to a situation or regret. It is only by making mistakes that we learn what we do and don’t like or want in our lives. Mistakes can teach an important lesson and also fill you with gratitude for the things you do have in life.

Read on to discover the top ten mistakes everyone makes and discover which ones you share.

10. Over-spending

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

The majority of people have over-spent money on some item or items over the course of their lifetime. Whether you spend too much at the mall shopping, buying rounds of drinks at a bar or going over your budget on a brand-new car, shelling out too much dough is one of the top mistakes everyone makes.

9. Tardy

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Being late for an appointment, a date or work is a frequent mistake just about everyone will make over the years. Try to counter this bad habit by setting your alarm clock earlier and writing down appointments to avoid getting over-sleeping, forgetting or getting stuck in traffic.

8. Gossiping

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Gossiping can turn into a regretful mistake if the person you are talking about over-hears you or catches you red-handed. Take the high road and talk to someone’s face instead of behind their backs.

7. Burning dinner

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Yes, setting off the smoke alarm is one of the top mistakes everyone makes. Avoid a visit from the fire department by following cooking instructions properly and keeping an eye on the stove top.

6. Fad diets

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Crash diets may help you lose weight in the short term or just in time for that upcoming school reunion. However, most of these diets restrict food groups and are too low in calories, creating serious health risks for the long-term. Work on avoiding mistaking fads for healthy, sustainable eating.

5. Over-scheduling

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Busy moms are particularly guilty of over-scheduling their family calendars. As a result, they are prone to increased stress and burn-out from working full-time, taking the kids to soccer practice and dance, doing housework and getting meals on the table. Use a calendar to get organized, including time for relaxation and bonding, without over-organizing.

4. The perfect job

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Although it is important to search for the right job that you are passionate about, it’s not always possible to find the perfect job. Find a job that has most of the benefits you are looking for and learn to appreciate what it offers while you continue your search for your dream work role.

3. Waiting for Mr. Right

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Unfortunately, real life isn’t like the movies for the majority of everyday people. In a dreamy search for your Romeo or Juliet, you may mistakenly turn down many possible suitors who are right for you. Don’t be so picky and take the good with the bad.

2. Avoiding the Doctor

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Skipping doctor’s appointments or annual physical exams is one of the top mistakes everyone makes. Don’t let your fears of the Doctor keep you away next time you’re due for a health check.

1. Never taking risks

One of the top ten mistakes everyone makes

Although life-threatening dangers should be avoided, being afraid of taking risks is a frequent mistake everyone makes. Don’t let fear stand in your way of applying for a new job, trying a new sport, going out on a date – or even skydiving!

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