One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blankContributed by Paul Seaburn, Top 10 Guru

It happens all the time. I’m in the middle of a conversation and suddenly … my mind goes blank.

I look at my hands for notes but my sweaty palms erased them. I’ve been through airport security scans and have the pictures to prove I have a brain, but the only time my mind doesn’t go blank is when I’m meditating.

Before I forget, here are the top ten reasons why my mind goes blank.

10. Sex appeal

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m speaking to someone of the opposite sex. I’ve been able to get past this one by imagining the person is in drag.

9. Shyness

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m shy. Shy people go blank often, especially around extroverts who ask hard questions, like “What did you say your name was?”

8. Public speaking

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m speaking to a group. Public speaking is everyone’s top fear. It’s even worse when my mind goes blank and I can’t remember where I put my notes.

7. Trying too hard

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m trying too hard. The harder I try to remember something, the longer my mind stays blank. Relaxing helps, but remembering to do that gets blanked out too.

6. Fatigue

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m tired. Sleep deprivation causes many other problems too, none of which I can remember right now.

5. Age

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m old. The medical term for it is “age-related memory impairment” but “senior moment” is easier to remember, especially if you’re old.

4. Checking out

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m too critical of myself. I feel like I have nothing to say, so my mind takes that as its cue to take the day off.

3. Nerves

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m nervous. Nerves cause my mind to go blank when taking tests, even drug tests.

2. Authority figures

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m talking to a cop. It’s a fear thing. I’m the only sober person who has ever forgotten the alphabet.

1. Hair color

One of the top ten reasons my mind goes blank

I’m blond. Not really. Blonds go blank the same amount as other hair colors, but it’s an easy excuse when their mind goes blank.

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