water safety rulesContributed by Info Guru Cindi Pearce

Adults and children alike should take water safety rules very seriously.

Hundreds of people lose their lives each year because of foolish mistakes that they’ve made while swimming or boating. Read these ten top safety water rules and remember them. Pass them along to your children. Post rules by your swimming pool so everyone can see them. Enforce the rules. This will save lives.

10. No rough housing

rough housing

Do not roughhouse in the water. Don’t hold people’s heads under water. If you are a pool, do not run around the perimeter of the pool because you can slip and fall on the ground or into the water. If you hit your head you could be knocked unconscious. Do not push unsuspecting people into the water. When kids or adults play too roughly in or around the water someone inevitably gets hurt.

9. Know how to get help

yell for help

Unless you are an expert swimmer versed in life saving techniques, do not go out on your own to save someone who is in trouble in the water. Yell for help. It is very possible for you to drown as well as the other person if you don’t know how to properly rescue him. If there is a life saving ring available, toss it to them. If you are a mediocre swimmer do not pretend otherwise because it may be the last lousy decision of your life. Do not swim in hazardous waters where there are strong currents or powerful waves. This is good advice for anyone, even expert swimmers.

8. Swim with a buddy

swim with buddy

Do not swim alone. Always swim with a buddy and if you are swimming in the ocean swim in the vicinity of the on-duty lifeguard.

7. Pay attention to warning signs

rip tide warning

When at the beach, check to see if there are any warning signs before entering the water. If there are signs that announce that there is a dangerous rip tide, high surf or sharks in the vicinity stay on dry land.

6. Thunder and lightening


If there is thunder there will be lightning. Get out of the water and head for shelter. Water and lightning don’t mix. You can easily be struck when in the water or anytime that you are out in an open space.

5. Watch out for rip currents

swim parallel to shore

A rip current in the ocean can foil even a strong swimmer. If you do get caught in a rip tide, yell for ‘help.’ Wave your hands. Let other people know you are struggling. If you have to manage the rip current on your because there is no one to assist you, swim parallel to the shore and not in the direction of the shore. Rip currents are generally narrow and usually less than 30 yards across. If you swim parallel to the shore for approximately 30 yards you should come out of the rip tide. Try not to panic. If you can’t swim and are waiting for help try to float.

4. No alcohol

No alcoholic beverages

Do not drink alcohol and swim or boat or ski or do anything related to the water. More people than you can even begin to imagine have drown because they were drunk and as a result unable to swim and save themselves in a water-related situation that turned into a fatal accident.

3. Dive with caution

dive with caution

Do not dive head first into unfamiliar water. This is a good way to break your neck and become paralyzed. Always jump in feet first.

2. Teach kids to swim

teach kids to swim

Teach children how to swim early on. However never leave a young child alone in or around water, including a filled bath tub.

1. Fence


Fence your swimming pool. Put locks on the fence gates. Put alarms in the pool that will make a loud noise if anyone is in the pool or has fallen in the pool and needs rescued. Remove ladders from above ground swimming pools so that small children do not have access to the pool.

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