Understanding low blood sugar symptoms is critical for a diabetic

Understanding low blood sugar symptoms is critical for a diabetic

Blood sugar is glucose, which is very important to the body. The brain can’t function properly if glucose levels are too high or too low. When glucose drops too low this results in a condition called hypoglycemia. Understanding low blood sugar symptoms is critical for the diabetic, enabling the individual to correct the situation before it becomes dire.

Diabetics may experience low glucose levels due to the medicine they take to control diabetes. Insulin empowers the body of a diabetic to properly process sugar in the blood. The medication works by removing glucose from the person’s blood and transferring it to cells where it is needed. However, insulin can cause a dip in blood glucose levels.

On the other hand, glucose can get too high in a diabetic, which is equally treacherous. It is a challenge for the diabetic, keeping his glucose at the proper levels. Diabetics must regularly use glucose monitoring supplies and know how to read the results.

Factors leading to low glucose levels

Blood glucose can drop too low if a person misses meals or isn’t eating enough generally. Those who exercise vigorously can experience a drop in glucose levels if they haven’t eaten sufficiently before working out.


When a diabetic gets too much insulin or hasn’t times his doses correctly to correspond with meals and/or exercise this can cause glucose to drop.

There are additional factors causing glucose to get too low. If the diabetic injects insulin into muscle rather than into the fatty layer under the skin this intensifies absorption of insulin into the bloodstream which quickly and drastically lowers glucose levels.
If an athlete injects himself with insulin prior to a sporting event and if he gives the injection in the area of the body that he uses strenuously during the sport this can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar.)

Diabetics should not take a hot bath or shower immediately after injecting insulin because hot water escalates the flow of blood through the blood vessels of the skin. This leads to faster insulin absorption and dipping glucose levels.
How do you know if glucose levels are too low?

The body reacts when glucose levels are insufficient by emitting adrenaline, which assists stored glucose’s attempts to get into the bloodstream rapidly. The signs of low glucose you need to be on the lookout for include shaking, sweating, rapid heartbeat, paleness, confusion, drowsiness and can advance to seizures and loss of consciousness.

A diabetic sometimes experiences a false reaction, where is feels as if he has low glucose but really doesn’t. This takes place because adrenaline is released not only when glucose gets too low but also when glucose levels dip too rapidly when they’ve been too high.

Use a glucose meter to test levels. However, if an individual doesn’t have a meter or doesn’t have the time or capacity to check because his symptoms are extreme, he needs to immediately eat or drink something containing sugar. This puts glucose back into the body hurriedly. When glucose is far too low, it needs to be increased as speedily as possible.

In an extreme situation where the individual is unable to eat or drink, a glucagon shot is requierd. Those living with a diabetic must know how to administer this shot, which raises glucose levels expediently.

If you are a diabetic, wear a medical ID tag saying so. This could save your life.

Those with glucose problems, especially diabetics, must avoid alcohol because it interferes with the body’s ability to maintain glucose levels within a standard range.

Keep food or a drink containing sugar with you at all times.



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